Oh Miley

I am so upset by Miley Cyrus, I think it warrants a song!

Miley Cyrus made some chinky eyes
Standing behind an Asian guy
I don’t know if this should fly
As if there wasn’t enough to despise

I wasn’t necessarily a fan of
Her, her dad, or Hannah Montana
I tend to prefer the songs of Rihanna
Racism against Asians is simply bananas!

Oh Miley!
Chinky eyes make you look wily
prejudice isn’t thought of so highly
it doesn’t make us all smiley

Why is there nothing that Asians can do?
To make fun of other races as easily as you
Why isn’t racism against Asians taboo?
Why are we always so racially screwed!

All you have to do is pull at your face
To make your eyelids resemble our race
This kind of joke has no proper place
Miley Cyrus is a disgrace!

358 thoughts on “Oh Miley

  1. um no.
    miley’s not a child anymore
    she’s 16.
    she’s famous.
    she has kids that idolize her.
    she should know better,
    it’s not only this picture, it’s the slutty ones!
    the ones that little girls find when they google her

    she has to be more fxcking responsible!!!

  2. My thoughts on this. First, no way she she be sued. She has the right, in America, to say she hates Oriental people if she wants to. Although she doesn’t. I can’t believe people think they can file a lawsuit.

    Two, Miley is from Tennessee. Is she going around suing people for redneck jokes? For jokingly saying “Howdy” or “How ya’lls doin'” while pretending to chew tobacco in effort to mimic southerners? For the southern white trash jokes. How about the inbred southerner jokes. I get those all the time being from the south. I’m not falling apart and suing and blogging and writing television networks in anger about it.

    Not a Miley fan, but I try to call things as I see them and not just jump on a bandwagon because I don’t care for her.

    Between this and people being arrested over the photo of the swimmer with his bong it really worries me for this generation of youth coming up. Gone are the days of stupidity, trial and error. No getting drunk and doing body shots in college kind of stupid stunts, because it will come back to haunt you if you ever ‘become someone’…..like a kindergarten teacher. 😉

  3. It’s funny when her critics are treating her as though she has sentience and moral reason, while her fans, the people who like her, are treating her like the equivalent of a trained puppy or kitten. If we’re going to fall back on the excuse that she’s only 16 and that she didn’t know better — shouldn’t we be more shocked that her parents are pushing her out on stage when she cannot handle it because she lacks a certain amount of maturity?

    If you’re going to fall back on the points that she’s just 16, and that it is just one of those silly mistakes… well then let her deal with the consequences. If you’re going to wrap her in this protective shield don’t be surprised when she’s 25 and still acting like an immature 16-year-old.

  4. At 16, Miley is apparently old enough to take photos of herself in the shower, get drunk and fvck a 24-yo…

    But not realize that pulling her eyes back just “MIGHT* be racially-offensive to some?

    GTFOH. Great role models for America’s kids, Disney! I think ANY parent should be concerned about this latest stunt by her, in combination with all the others. Unless they want their daughters to grow up as drunken, racist sluts too!

    Do we really need more single and underage moms like Britney & Jamie Spears, people??? Way to go, Eisner!

  5. Talk about over-reacting, get over it Margaret. They were all just fooling around.

    ..and now Miley is being sued for 4 BILLION for that picture? That’s friggin nuts.

  6. I just was thinking what President Obama would have thought if Miley had “just fooled around” and put some black face on herself while on national media. Could that be accepted as “just having fun”? I guess the blatant act is forgivable as long as no one raises too much of a stink… after all, the “submissive” Asians won’t be too offended. Even if they are, they won’t do much since they are powerless to do so!

    Racism pops through again. It’s always going to be there by anyone against others who are different from themselves. Even Asians are racists too, even against each other. So, the problem is not that it exists, but how do we as humans address the negative aspects of it? We can start by addressing its very real existence.

    Thank You Margaret for at least speaking out about it!

    Wishing you much goodness, joy, and success. Casey

  7. Honestly people do this stuff all the time, people are blowing this WAY out of preportion.
    Four billion dollar lawsuit??? WTF honestly whoever is sueing her is f****** insane!!! honestly!!!
    Margret I love you, but people do this all the time. google it you’ll find hundreds of people doing it in an image search.
    She’s being singled out because of her fame,
    and this lady sueing her is just plain insane!
    Has a nice ring to it. Man I would shoot myself before being as dumb as that lady.

  8. I’ve seen the mild version and the straight in your face version of prejudice. From children pulling eyes at me in kindergarten to someone yelling at me, “This is America” when they were walking down the street and I’ve seen the justifications for these acts.

    But I think the best way I can describe it is this… there was someone who was chatting and used the word, “Jap” in the chat. I asked them to not use it because it is considered racist in the United States to Nisei Japanese and since the chat room is global to please use “JN or JP” instead. I said it playfully.

    The person got mad at me for this request stating that because some Japanese (in Japan) call anyone who is white, “gaijin” that they are allowed to use the word, “Jap”. This, to me, seemed more like two wrongs make a right. And I said, “I wouldn’t allow that here either.”

    They went on saying that I had never, “Suffered” and that I had no right to call them out on using a derogatory word because I had not, “Suffered” to which I just laughed. Because this person knew nothing about me. They did not know about the kids in kindergarten who pulled their eyes at me and how that hurt my heart. How they asked where Korea was and before that point being Korean I had never been a minority before so I didn’t know. They didn’t know how my parents chose to ignore the fact that these prejudices were happening against me and used the words, “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” But they did hurt and they hurt how I viewed myself as an individual. To that person that says,”Everyone knows.” I say those words are wrong and it’s a way for people to marginalize the pain other people feel because they cannot handle that feeling of maybe being prejudiced themselves.

    This person who assumed I had not “suffered” did no know that in the world of adoption people ask you the most probing questions to the point they see you as an object of an experiment. They assumed by me asking them to stop using this prejudiced word I was calling them “racist” But I was not. I was merely educating them that the word “Jap” could be construed as racist and to please stop using it.

    They argued that “brit” was then a racist word and I said it was not because “Brit” has not picked up meaning from an oppressed people in a camps gathered and forced out of their livelihoods. “Brit” was no used in windows to turn away customers and it was not used by US Soldiers to show heir hatred of a different people.

    In the end I asked the person to leave if they could not comply to the rules to which they called me, “Not a real Korean.” To which I banned them for it.

    I know people here say, “Well I don’t find it offensive and I am X” or “My friends don’t find it offensive” But perhaps you should step back and think that if others find it offensive, you should too. Speak up. Maybe you don’t understand the history of the word. Using racial slurs, even when joking about race itself is like being blind. I don’t forgive it. But if you understand the history of the word and choose to empower its usage by educating others about how ridiculous it is and how much it can hurt others, I think you can be like Chris Rock and Margaret Cho. Because they understand the implications of the words they are using and are using it to fight racism.

    For those who say, “Oh but she is young! Forgive her, she’s apologized.” There is a difference between saying I’m sorry without excuses and saying one regrets their actions and saying they won’t do it again and then saying Sorry but adding excuses. Which sounds more genuine, “I’m sorry I hit your car. I swear it won’t happen again.” or “I’m sorry I hit your car but you were driving so slow, and the light changed suddenly so I naturally hit it.” Which one would you like to hear more? If her apology hadn’t sucked perhaps people wouldn’t be as upset. Her second apology also sucked because she hid behind, “My friends” rather than owning up to it herself and reflecting on her actions.

    Does this mean I think Miley Cyrus is the only one who should get flack? No. I think that her other friends should also bear responsibility and apologize. No matter what your station in life is, if you hurt someone, emotionally, physically, spiritually or otherwise, the first words should be, “I’m sorry.” Because you should have known better.

    For those who are assuming things about the Asian guy in the picture “complacent” or “making Caucasian eyes”, please don’t do so. You don’t see him putting on a blond wig and putting in blue eye contacts. Not everyone is from the Caucuses who is white either. So to that Asian person up there that assumes all white people have blond hair and blue eyes, please don’t make this situation worse. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt, he probably didn’t know better and didn’t know the history behind it.

    And it doesn’t matter if one person or all 6.5 billion people on this planet are offended. If you hurt someone’s feelings and say something out of place you aren’t supposed to, you apologize. To the parents that are going to excuse her on her age alone, I feel bad for your children… would you allow another child to call your child some derogatory names and not get upset at their parents? If you child hits another child do you say, “It’s OK, you’re young! You’ll know better when you’re an adult!” I hope not, otherwise our future looks bleak.

    Yes, once in a while we have slip ups. We do things that are wrong, but seeing that Miley Cyrus has several photos of her doing similar things around this Asian guy and still doesn’t think it’s wrong, it raises my eyebrow and makes me think she’ll do it again because she doesn’t know why it is wrong. Public or private, prejudice anywhere is wrong. It’s not “White privilege” or “slighted minorities” it’s the simple fact that if someone is hurt by what you did directly to their race, sex, ethnicity, skin color, regionality, sexuality or any other human trait, you face yourself, and apologize. Find out why this person was offended by learning the history behind it and keep trying to fight it in yourself and others.

    And for those citing other racism–no, it’s not about what other people did. Don’t justify her actions by using other racism. This is about what Miley Cyrus herself and her friends individually did. Just because other people did it doesn’t make it right.

    And to the people who said, “But I did this when I was young.” I can tell you that when I was in Kindergarten and this happened first day, it hurt like a monster and I didn’t know what to do. It’s not a kid’s game. If you see someone you did this to as a kid, apologize. If you did it in the past, apologize. Just because when I was a kid I refused to sit next to someone doesn’t mean that it wasn’t wrong. Clearly if there are lots of posts about this, then you hurt someone with your actions, so it was wrong. A human admits they were wrong, a jerk uses their past wrongs to justify their and other people’s present actions.

    And I know someone is going to be dumb enough to say, “By pointing out race you encourage racism.” No. By pointing out racism, you force people to face their own ignorance, themselves, and others so they don’t do it again. You can’t change people, sure, but by discussing it and thinking on it and battling stereotypes by saying we have differences but we are all human, you start to accept the world around you and learn to interact with the people. We live on a diverse planet, let’s celebrate it.

  9. Margaret…I have seen your show and heard many hurtful things come out of your mouth about others. I truly don’t believe you have any leg to stand on when it comes to making fun of other people, or judging someone else for their actions. I would say, look in the mirror…you are a talented funny lady…and I am sure you have made your share of mistakes in the past. Just because Miley is famous, and she is under a microscope, doesn’t mean that she won’t make stupid mistakes, and yes, she is paying for that mistake right now. Many times over…a lot more than any of us NON famous people would ever have to do. It would be amazing in this country if instead of having to do everything politically acceptable…that we could actually show some forgiveness and compassion. Maybe you could try and call Miley up, or figure out a way to talk to her one on one to see if you could help support her, and express to her that this type of thing does hurt. It’s easy to cast stones…but trying to be the bigger person and show forgiveness…well that my friend, is true strength.

  10. Seriously? i mean seriously? its people like you overreacting to a stupid photo that made it offensive. shes just a kid having fun, you never did anything dumb as a kid? im sure you did how would you feel if some one blasted you over the internet for dumb things you did when you were a kid? how do you know if she was insulting him? what if she was complimenting him?

  11. Ummm. To the poster above…. Margaret does not represent the asian community. If so, who elected her. I don’t know why this is being made into such an issue. It’s being way too overrated… I really dont think this was Margaret nor MIley’s intentions. I wish people would calm down. And I’m actually disappointed by some of the asian bashing rhetoric that I’ve read on this board. And who cares what Miley does. She is sixteen and ranks among trashy nobodies like Britney, Paris, Lindsay, etc…

  12. So technically, Miley did not apologize. She apologized only if Asians were offended. From her statement, she admits no wrong-doing. She’s saying that it’s Asians’ fault for being offended.

    If she made a goofy face in accordance with African-American people’s facial characteristics, then would she say that she apologizes if African Americans were offended. Would she blame African Americans for being too sensitive? Of course not … because she would have everyone from Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton to Oprah to President Obama pressuring her and Disney to apologize.

    This just goes to show that Margaret Cho is right. Honestly, I’m not a big fan of Cho’s. But I’m very proud of her because she’s right. Asian-American mockery is not taboo. Just go and live in the midwest, the south, even parts of the east. Better yet, just go to a Cubs game where the opposing team has an Asian player.

  13. that’s so true.
    and even in her “apology”, it was like she was mocking us. as if it was our “fault” because we took it out of context.
    today’s youth needs a better role model.
    miley cyrus is defintely not it.

  14. # Peace Says:
    February 12th, 2009 at 10:27 am

    OMG….I think everybody is forgetting Miley is a child and Ms. Cho is suppose to be an adult. I guess child bashing is the ‘in’ thing now. This is jealousy. Plain and simple. Why don’t those of you bashing Miley lay all your photos out? Scared we might find something? Grow up and get over it! There are more important things to be worrying about….the economy….the war….global hunger….global warming. Put your antics to better use people. We have soldiers die every day and you guys get more bent out of shape about a freaking picture of CHILDREN being….guess what….CHILDREN. Get your priorities set right. Damn.

    My response:
    What? What are you doing for the world. Get over yourself, douchebag.

  15. # Iris Says:
    February 14th, 2009 at 9:11 pm

    I’m Asian-American and at first, I didn’t take offense to this goofy picture thing, but then, I went to Sunny Fong’s website from the link shown on his comment (the one that states he was there with Miley that night) and realized that it wasn’t the picture that has been circulating around the Internet. In Sunny Fong’s photo, the Asian dude is also making the same goofy pic, but in the other photo I’ve seen it appears that everyone is making fun of this other Asian guy who is NOT making the goofy face. WTF?! It looks like this Sunny Fong photoshoped himself into the pic. He claims that he was there so it was okay for Miley to make this “goofy face.” I’m offended by this Sunny Fong guy not Miley. Geez.

    Sunny Fong’s website

    Photo from TMZ and other websites.



    Yes, sarcasm. My whole deal is that I think people get on a high horse and throw around this moral code when we all judge and have racism in us.

    I might have less than a lot of people I know actually since I appreciate racial humour and I’m really into comedians like Cho who push the envelope. There’s a lot of irony in her observations and as a storyteller myself, I like being very ironic when I write.

    I’m also a huge Howard Stern fan because they don’t stand on a high horse about a lot of things.

    There’s a lot we can learn from the discourse that is created from this kind of racist bullshit that Miley pulled. It’s racist, she’s not a kid, she’s an effin’ douchebag musical artist that’s ruining music. It’s pretty obvious I think she’s a huge moron. I’m an equal opportunity offender.

    Anyway, clearly, some people here need to look up the definition of sarcasm or I need to be a better writer.

    What’s ironic (in the Alanis way) is that I work wit refugees and the deaf community and have had tons of diversity and sensitivity/leadership training. Oh, the irony!

  16. I’m not trying to say what she did was right, because I’m sorry for her that she offended anyone, but a) she was around her friends, b) I HIGHLY doubt she tried to be offensive (my friend did the same thing around her Asian friends and they weren’t offended), c) she apologized.

    I’ve been through ups and downs with regards to my race, and I understand people can do stuff that’s offensive intentionally, but I also know some people think they’re just being silly not realizing their actions have a huge consequence.

    Again, I’m not excusing her actions, but ADULTS blasting her, calling her names, etc. isn’t going to help the situation at all.

  17. “OMG….I think everybody is forgetting Miley is a child and Ms. Cho is suppose to be an adult. ”
    She’s not a child if she’s dating a 21 year old and insisting on moving out and living on her own. If things don’t go her way, she’s too immature and must be protected from the big bad world. If things go her way she mature beyond her years. Pick a side.

    Maybe the reaction is hard but she should treat this as a life lesson that she can grow out of and become more mature and responsible because if everyone shields her from the consequences of her actions she could turn into another Britney or Paris with severe case of arrested development. Teenage years have the luxury of messing up and at least being told where you went wrong so that you can learn and change, because once you’re an adult you are on your own on figuring what you did and you can spend years trying to fix it and still not get it right.

  18. If Cho was so concerned about her fellow Orientals, she would have dropped that *me so funny* schtick years ago. There’s Cho out on the world stage making fun of Orientals and then gets upset when someone–outside of her–possibly makes fun of Orientals.

  19. Are you seriously trying to say that Miley Cyrus was like, “Hey guys!!! Lets all gather around the camera and pose to piss off every asian out there!!! Oh look we even have one in the picture, maybe then it’ll be approved!”

    Get over yourselves.. Bringing out the race card. Jews had it worse than any race so seriously GET OVER YOURSELF.

  20. besides the eyes, does anyone else notice that all of her friends look..quite a bit older than 15-16?especially the guy who’s lap shes sitting on. just sayin. and is that a drink in one’s hand? hmm..not the greatest role model for all of the 12 year old girls who look up to her. -sigh- She needs to act her age, but shes brainwashed by all of the fame. Must think she’s invincible. If this photo/lawsuit doesn’t do it, reality is gonna slap her in the face real soon.

  21. wow, the lyrics are actually really not funny… but it’s true, that little skank should seriously be off television anymore, people hate her more and more and there’s barely enough people supporting her. it’s so amazing how she’s 16 yet people think that since she’s still a teenager she didn’t know better that she should be let off loose. seriously, she’s freakin 16, that’s old enough to distingish, what’s okay to do, and not to do. But when that cracker disgraces us, to everyone how we see asians, thats just plain cruel. It looks offensive when it’s not funny. She’s not funny, she thinks so but she isn’t. It’s a waste of time. 15 years from now she’s gonna be the next Britney Spears, living off of scandals as her only spotlight. It’s such a pity these days, all the singers now sucks so bad, look at the Jonas Brothers….WTF seriously, thats not rock. Avenged Sevenfold is rock…well it’s more like hard metal but w/e. Music’s dead, old people are right. well, partially. I personally hate Rolling Stones, yet it’s a legend, I agree. I mean like the whole Disney Channel “talents” seriously have no talents yet they take fame from it and makes everything die. like Demi Levato…OMG, have you seen that live she did on Regis and Kelly? I got freakin tone deaf from that song, if her real voice is like that. How could that possibly be called music. she should have stuck with Ashley Simpson method, to lip-sync. American Idol is being just pathetic, I mean the majority of the winners are fairly okay… but some that drops out, become one of the most(well maybe not the most) money making singers like Daughtry. They miss out on the real talents. I mean where did Taylor Hicks go? I haven’t heard him sing since his season ended. I only see him golfing than singing.
    We really need to just…stop.. and restart..refresh

  22. Margaret you sicken me.. Most minority comedians have made me sick for the last ohh 15 years or so. Do you think you get special privilege being a minority? Is part of becoming a minority comedian that you get free pass to make fun of white people at every turn?

    You can do a simple youtube search and find audio and video of you speaking badly of whites in the name of comedy.. The same as Chris Rock and many others.

    But god forbid a white person do anything regarding racial humor. Oh no we are not allowed. You’re a hypocrite along with a lot of the other minority comics.

    So a underage girl made some face who cares… You want us to get up in arms every time you say something about us from now on? The fact is a lot of white America are sick of this crap.

    You and many of the minorities perpetuate racism in the name of a pay check. So til you can take the high road and stop making fun of whites or any other race please.

    SHUT UP… Have a wonderful day.

  23. okiee. listen here if she was sorry she would have never done it in the first place so that person ho or whatever. she 16 she well aware of what she doing. what she gonna do say. ohh im sorry ill never do it again and try to get away with it? well there goes another stupid slutty ugly Disney star. she knew what she was doing. you think shes sorry. shes not she only doing this because her publicist told her to. and were pretty damn sure that she not on SARCASM. wow disney channel have these people brainwashed. MILEY CYRUS it is not sarcasm, she noes what she did. she made damn sure of that when she took that photo. theres no excuse for it this time. she has been through it so many times. she very clear of what her action might do to people and those that are around her

  24. First of all, oriental is an adjective. An adjective used to describe Asian style furniture. By calling a person of Asian decent “oriental” is pretty racist and derogatory. Plus, the continent of Asia houses so many different countries so to be “politically correct” just call that person from which ever country their parents came from?? Ex: I’m Korean American. Not just ‘Asian’.

    I bet people don’t hear a lot about violent attacks against Asians much do they?


    Miley’s actions have a lot more weight to them, she should know better.

  25. while i appreciate your new angry song about miley cyrus’ chink eyes… were you angry at rosie o’donnell’s prime time ching chonging on the view? i saw your post about michael richards use of the n word and gwen stefani’s parade of silent harajuku girls, but have not seen or read your opinion re: rosie o’donnell or her ching chonging or her non-apology apology.


    we dont take that offensively

    neither do we sue an 16 year old for 4 millions

    the girl is 16
    WHAT ABOUT US huh?
    Telling muslims they cant travel because of their religion?
    Giving us dirty looks?
    etc etc
    and stop complaining



    and races like African Americans etc

    Seriously think

  27. I agree w/ you MG. Why are these gestures shrugged off when it’s Asian-base, and when it’s towards blacks it’s causes an uproar? Ms. Cyrus is a public figure who’s revenue is generated by fans buying her products. If she wants to alienate the Asian continent and 2 of the biggest economies in the world, then go ahead. It’s her right. I’ve already banned my kids from watching Hanah Montanna!

  28. Hey MlovesS Says, Your name has the word ‘love’ in it. Base on your comments I don’t see any ‘love’ in you. You’re the worst kind of bigot-a hippocrite. To tell another person why he shouldn’t be offended by any offensive remarks is the same as me saying, “Pakistani Muslim should not take offense when people label you as a violent seeking race, because your religious leaders seek to kill Jews and Christians.” Think about that and tell me why you’re complaining. Does it hurt?

  29. Im not saying people should be racist or anything
    im just saying miley is only 16
    and we’ve all done something stupid

    but like its not right to generalize us all with KILLERS
    its like a bad seed in the family
    kinda thing

    i dont hate christians hindus jews or any oda religion or race

    I have friends from a lot of different cultures

    Its just a piss off that a gesture like that gets 4 mil
    and while our people are getting beaten like crazy
    its w/e

    But i do think miley is totally at fault for it
    Racism isnt acceptable regardless to who its towards

  30. What about all the other Disney super stars?? Not everyone is caught in scandals as much as Miley is. They are all around her age as well.

    What do you Miley supporters say about that??

  31. Kids will be kids and kids are (temporarily) stupid or cruel. Adults who jump (temporarily) on the political correctness band wagon are something else. Hypocrites. I’m not wild about a lot that you do. That’s your business. Too bad you have to make a big deal over the stupid or cruel things that others do. At least you don’t go to the photo op extremes of our two biggest racists: Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.

  32. You’re not really serious, are you? She’s a teenager (not the years of best judgement). The eye thing? A bit overblown, dontcha think? Certainly there are worse things perpetrated on Asians, by Asians that you could focus on. A slanty eye pantomime from a little girl isn’t worth all this attention. But wait… I forgot….It’s entertainment-world! No such thing as bad publicity for either of you!!! I got it now…. dopey me.

  33. i think ppl saying she is “just a kid” is total bull. She’s 16 not 8! By 16 years old I understood what racism was and I wouldn’t have done something like this.

    on the question of why it’s okay to make fun of asian. *shrug* maybe b/c pleanty of the sterotypes are “positive” – so the thinking is, hey, i’m not saying anything bad about you. So it’s okay. I can make fun of you b/c I think you’re great at math and are a succeful chinese restraurant owning person!

  34. Oh come on, leave the girl alone. Miley’s only a stupid 16 year old girl. She wasn’t taking photos to be offensive, just to be stupid and funny to her stupid friends.

    She didnt do it intentionally. Why must you be so cruel to the stupid, beautiful 16 year old starlet?

  35. i dont normally pay attention to shit like this but seriously yall;
    i dont buy the whole “she’s only 16″ bull crap…”Oh, shes jus being a child!”


    i think its stupid how many adults arent giving teens enough credit..theyre not all idiots.
    “Oh kids will be kids..they dont kno any better.”
    Uhhh…yeah they do. If they dont, THEY SHOULD.


    Whether it was intentional or not;
    Cyrus was being racist..plain and simple.

  36. That’s okay I watched the first few episodes of Hannah I’ll fuck your nanna. Every single episode had the same jokes as other Disney shows. Maybe that wasn’t her fault, but I was pissed. But even had I liked her I can not stand racism! Okay let’s not ride her forever, just till I stop seeing her freaky face on the tube.

  37. Oh my god…. Im sorry, i dont know who Margaret is, and I watch Hannah Montana from time to time when theres nothing else to do. All i have to say is that this song, and this whole issue is completely ridiculous. I swear if no one even knew who Miley was they wouldnt say a damn thing or wouldn’t know this stupid picture existed. It’s not Margaret’s job to stand up for the asians in the world. Also that little children won’t see this picture inless they’re on the internet, which most responsible parents won’t let their children deal with the internet until they’re old enough to understand the shit they see. Most likely the parents will find this stuff before the kids do and its the PARENTS job to correct their kids not some comedian or anyone else.

    Seriously this song is lame, because it sounds like a drama-obsessed high school girl whose so pissed off at someone so she has to insult her behind her back. I remember when i was little i made the Chinese eyes like that cause i saw someone on TV do it but it was no big deal and after a week i was over it. Hell before Miley did it OTHER people were doing it. Also did she say anything about what she was doing in the picture, no people are just over analyzing this shit. So far i have seen two articles with her saying “I apologize” so can we get over this issue and move on to other things in life that are actually important??

    I hope everything goes well for you Margaret im not trying to badmouth you because i seriously don’t know your work, but if youre truly professional then don’t let some 16 year old girl get to you so much. America is full of opinionated people who should be able to stand up for themselves.

  38. im not defending Miley. Im an Asian. and i dun think u people shud make a big fuss about this. its not big deal. its just sense of humour. and honestly margaret u are the same as miley . u bitch bout miley trying to ugly-fy asians but u urself is ugly-fying miley . wad makes u so diff from her?

  39. Reactions against Ms Cho’s post can be neatly parsed into the following categories:

    1. “Get over it!” It’s just a goofy picture – Get over it. They’re just playing – Get over it. They’re just “messin’ ” with Asians/Blacks/Hispanics/Jews/Women/Gays – Get over it. It’s just a word/gesture – Get over it. Everyone gets made fun of/harassed – Get over it. It’s just a little bruise – Get over it. They just beat him/her up – Get over it. They just didn’t want him/her sitting on this side of the bus – Get over it. They’re just rehabilitation and re-education camps – Get over it. That was over 50 years ago – Get over it. Just GET OVER IT.

    Get it?

    2. “Oh, she’s just a little child.” Sorry, a sixteen-year-old is NOT a child, especially in this day and age. Even *IF* she were, are “children” exempt from responsibility, from learning that their words and actions have consequences – intended OR not??? To all the “adults,” particularly, making this “argument” (I skimmed a couple of posters who proclaimed their age, or have “mom” or “dad” in their handle) – SHAME ON YOU. Was this how you were raised??? I shudder to think this is how you are also raising your own children!!!

    This Mily Syrus (forgive me for misspelling her name – I couldn’t really give a flying fuck) is nothing but another talentless, shallow, dumb, banal, cookie-cutter, ugly spoiled BRAT with an absurd sense of entitlement. Or, at least she certainly comes off that way in this picture and her so-called “apology” statements. And, oh yes, she IS a “role model” by the very FACT of her public stature, whether she likes it (or whether WE like it) OR not – I mean, just look at the ridiculous mob of her hysterical screeching can’t-spell-for-shit twink fan clones swarming and flaming this single blog. “Mily” really needs to watch the shit she does and that comes out of her mouth, from now on.

    3. “I’m not offended; why should you be?” Is this even argument???

    Ms Cho brings up an important point that is seldom addressed by people who are actually trying to make some sense out of and to stop racism:
    “Why is there nothing that Asians can do?
    To make fun of other races as easily as you
    Why isn’t racism against Asians taboo?
    Why are we always so racially screwed!”
    Yes, why DON’T Asians and Asian Americans speak up or ACT UP??? Why are we so eager to see past colors, when others (like in this picture, and the numerous responses here) still see our own color? Why are Asians and Asian Americans still pigeonholed as some “model minority,” when real, everyday prejudices and institutional discriminations that actually occur still aren’t being addressed seriously, or at all? Yes, why DON’T Asians and Asian Americans unite – aren’t we already stereotyped to death by our “group mentality?” Why are we so eager to “casualize” racism/sexism/homophobia/speciesm? Does it make our continued self-deception (that we live in a perfect or already near-perfect society, that others’ sufferings don’t really affect me, that I can be accepted by everybody if I just “don’t make a big deal” out of it, that I can’t make any difference at all) that much easier???

    4. “YOU’re the racist!” Ms Cho’s comedy is about making us AWARE of these issues, done in a way that doesn’t engage us merely on a dry, intellectual level, but also on a visceral and emotional level – through laughter. It’s not about racism being funny; it’s about making fun OF racism and racists. If you can’t tell this simple difference, guess which category YOU, then, obviously, belong to.


    The First Amendment (for all the “children” here who haven’t yet passed second-grade reading – it includes “The Freedom of Speech”) is here to guarantee the free exchange of ideas through civil dialogue for the progress and enlightenment of society and its members, and NOT as a transparent excuse for the spreading of incendiary hate and ignorance, conscious OR not.

    Think about that.


    PS. 1. If you disagree with what I said, and feel like reacting, I suggest:
    1a. You see if your reaction already fits into one of the categories listed and described. If so, STOP.
    If not, continue to line 2.
    2. You make an honest attempt at proper spelling, grammar, general coherence, and typing in letter-case. If not, STOP. Do NOT hit “Submit.”

    Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated. Thanks much in advance.

  40. Wow, this is really stupid!! the lady is crazy she is suing a 16 year old! She need to grow up… Miley is a teen…“Get over it!” It’s just a goofy picture.

  41. Just a teen, just teens….18 yr olds are waging war for the good ole usa…and a 16 yr old singer should not be held responsible for promoting rasism by word and deed. give me a break. I raised two teens, they would never have made racial jokes. Because they were taught right from wrong. Miley is not an idiot, she knows what impact she has on teens in , yet she has no class…no sense of what is right in the world. So she can get out of the bussiness till she growes up and can handle being in the big harsh world. Right on Margaret for speaking out.

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