Oh Miley

I am so upset by Miley Cyrus, I think it warrants a song!

Miley Cyrus made some chinky eyes
Standing behind an Asian guy
I don’t know if this should fly
As if there wasn’t enough to despise

I wasn’t necessarily a fan of
Her, her dad, or Hannah Montana
I tend to prefer the songs of Rihanna
Racism against Asians is simply bananas!

Oh Miley!
Chinky eyes make you look wily
prejudice isn’t thought of so highly
it doesn’t make us all smiley

Why is there nothing that Asians can do?
To make fun of other races as easily as you
Why isn’t racism against Asians taboo?
Why are we always so racially screwed!

All you have to do is pull at your face
To make your eyelids resemble our race
This kind of joke has no proper place
Miley Cyrus is a disgrace!

358 thoughts on “Oh Miley

  1. I’m sick and tired of people crying and whinning everytime someone gets offended…grow up! She is a teenager. Im sure all of you did things as a teen that you’re not proud of, I know I did, and if you say you didn’t…you lie. And by the way I find Margaret Cho’s comedy OFFENSIVE but am I being a bitch about it, no, because I am an adult. Margaret is a old woman picking on a 16 yr. old girl, real mature! This type of media (people getting their feelings hurt)) makes me sick. Everyone in America is getting soft, and handing over our freedom of speech to the liberal mentality becuase they were offended. Suck it up people and grow up!

  2. I guess racism is fine if some bitchy minority comedian is bashing white people, but not if a goofy little teen is doing the “me Chinese” expression that kids have been doing for decades without any ill intent.

    Gotta love that double standard.

  3. People need to get a grip especially a supposed adult like Margaret, Has Margraret ever raised a teenager??? I have raised my 2 daughters and my 2 stepdaughters and any mom of teenagers will know that when they turn 12 whats between their ears gets kinda mushy until they turn 20. So cut the 16 year old some slack. But I guess all these Holier than thou’s blogging on here have perfect kids or they themselves are perfect right? NOT. Can’t tell me you have never dissed somebody in all your years of life humm? Just to fit in with the crowd? If you say you didn’t then your lying or have selective memory.
    Me personally I would rather worry about our growing problem with violent gangs of ALL nationalalities Asian’s included.
    Adults making a big deal out of a picture but teenage thugs running rampant in neighborhoods causing all matter of problem are not to be discussed? Wheres all the angry blogs about that? You adults need to suck it up and carry on, we have more important problems facing all of us regardless of our race, religion or whatever.
    The way I see it theres no corner in our country thats safe from teenage crime, thats what wrong, people we need to learn how to pick our fights, and this little hissy fit should be done.

  4. I will not condone a racial remark or action taken. I do not believe Ms. Cyrus’ intent was to degrade Asians but her intent did give way to reality. Ms. Cyrus action was not well thought out, she obviously didn’t consider the long term effects, nor has she learned despite recent history that her private photos have a habit of going public and that she should think more carefully before acting.

    Nevertheless I am inclined to believe in the good will of the majority of individuals within the US. and that at the core they do not want to take part in racist actions. Ms. Cyrus’ has committed no consistent actions to warrant a refusal by the Asian community to be given another chance. What’s more her age and immaturity should be given some little consideration and it would not hurt any of us to recollect our own very stupid moments as teenagers and that many of us had we been unfortunate enough to have a level of celebrity may have paid just as dearly for those stupid moments. Reasonable minded people should be able to grant Ms. Cyrus a stay of judgment in favor of permitting her to show by her future actions a better understanding of what may constitute insensitive actions and better decisions in acting on that understanding.

    This song is pushing the limits of a reasonable response and Mrs. Cho’s level of anger doesn’t quite mix right.

  5. What “level of anger” are you talking about Confuzzled? Cho wrote a song on her blog about a public controversy. I hardly think that qualifies as a large “level of anger”. Actually I think most of the responses I just read here from people screaming at her and calling her racist names for stating her opinion, indicate a much higher “level of anger” not to mention immaturity.

    You people need to chill out and get over it. I don’t see how Cho being offended has anything to do with you, unless you want to angrily protect your right to make slanted-eyes at Asian people. Good grief!

  6. get over it!!! stay home slant!!! who the hell do you think your sorry ass is??????? yo sup dat! stay in your straw hut if yoo don’t like it.
    is cho a HO????

  7. I think the idea of suing someone over something stupid makes the person look stupid themselves. For $4 billion, this woman sues Miley Cyrus over a photo with her friends making slanted eyes. So the fuck what? I can give two squirts of piss about Miley, but at the same time, I see this case as something blown out of proportion. I have seen jokes, cartoons, movies, and so on that is more racially incorrect than what Miley did. Check out Family Guy, they have a bunch of stereotypical jokes in that show and yet the creator of that show doesn’t get sued! Slanted eyes? Really? What about comedians who make fun of how some Asian’s talk and the stereotype that Asians have bad teeth? Why not sue them? Oh, but we have to sue a 16 yr old Disney star who was having fun with her friends. And how the hell do you know if Miley is prejudice? Do you know her personally? I see the photo as nothing more than a silly mistake on Miley’s part and a HUGE misunderstanding for those who got offended. There are some Asian bloggers who specifically said they weren’t offended by what Miley did. Try being called a Porch Monkey in front of your face. How about that for blatant racism? Or how about the stereotype that Japanese people are super smart or have tiny genitalia? Oh how about the Jewish being called: Kyke and all that stuff? What about the Germans? Some people call them Angry murderers? Hmmm? And even some people have called Miley trailer trash or that she’s having an affair with her father because she’s from the south?!

    As for the Oriental thing, I heard some Asians don’t mind being called Oriental and I have a couple of Asian friends who don’t like to be called Asian. If you don’t like it, say so for YOURSELF and don’t try to say it for others. It ticks me off to see people get overly sensitive about tiny stuff. Get the fuck over it! Our ancestors have faced worse shit than a teenager making stupid faces with her friends and the Asian guy didn’t even look bothered by it. If he was, I’m sure he would have said something about it.

    As for me, if I let every stupid racial comment and joke bother me, I would be a serial killer. But guess what? That shit does not bother me because I think it’s stupid to get worked up over something trivial when I can pull the same thing on them if I felt like it. Besides, there are things more important to worry about such as some stalker coming by your house trying to kill you because you’re different. If comedians can make fun of all races, including their own, why the hell can’t we just get over it and laugh about the stupidity? I’m really sick of people pulling the race card. I’m even pissed at my own race calling a white person “Racist” for getting the facts mixed up or because they didn’t get what they thought they deserved. Is this what our ancestors fought for? For their stupid offsprings to bitch about little things? I think not.

    I’m not saying no one should be offended, but there are MUCH, much, much more worse than that photo. And you know, I agree with Bob and the others that people these days need to get a sense of humor.

  8. Hey Asians, get over it. You do have chinky eyes. What’s the big deal. Just like blacks have big ass lips and big ass fros. And them damn muslims have friggin turbins and shit.

    Oh wait a minute, blacks and muslims don’t get goofed these days. Too much chance of a riot or getting your head cut off with these groups. Plus Oprah and Obama will get after your ass.

  9. Give me a break! Enough is enough! It was only a silly picture. She did not mean to cause any harm. I mean really, really. This is just something else for someone else to get upset about. Since when do we all have to be so over sensitive? I think it is silly all the grief this chic is getting over one picture. They were playing around. Her Asian friend posed in the photo. Do you really think it made him upset! NO please. Enough already!!! And since when is Margaret Cho the representative for Asian people. I can not believe this is getting so much attention.

  10. Wow. And I thought the picture was bad.

    Okay, so Miley is 16. But she is a public figure, and made a bad judgment. She should own up to her words/ actions and apologize.

    Look at Michael Phelps – he had an incriminating picture taken, he owned it, apologized, and now is carrying on. THAT is a role model, to me. Sure, everyone has bad errors in judgment, but it is how that person tackles the fallout from that mess.

  11. I am neither a supporter of Miley Cyrus nor a hater, but I really think that her actions should have consequences. I don’t agree with the whole lawsuit issue, but she does need to understand that what she did was wrong. I am not that much older than her, but when I was her age, making “goofy faces” did not include the whole group focusing on one feature of our faces. I also don’t believe that she is truly apologetic because in her “apology” she added her excuses. I learned that when you are really sorry, you don’t make excuses with your apology.

    I’m Korean and have been discriminated against by people I didn’t even know. It is not a very pleasant feeling. If you haven’t felt such hatred because of the color of your skin or where your parents were born, I don’t think you have the right to tell people to “Get over it.” Miley may not have had the intent to hurt people, but she should know that the impact of her simple “eye squint” has a lot of hurtful background.

    As far as her being a role model, I am going to take the optimistic point of view and say that the younger generations will learn from her mistake and make better choices.

  12. I am in no way a Miley Cyrus fan, but the girl is a kid….she was prob. just being a stupid teenager. She is not the first person to take a stupid picture and slant her eyes. I am with everyone else who is tired of this racist crap. She is just a stupid teenager…just get over it. Don’t we have better things to do than start fights with little kids.

  13. So I guess when I was a kid and played Cowboys and Indians, that was racism. Or when your at a Braves game???? What about using the name “Braves” or “Indians” or “Chiefs” as pro sport teams??? Or maybe saying “God bless you” to someone you don’t know who just sneezed could be considered racism because what if they don’t believe in God??????

  14. For those who don’t understand why anyone who makes “slant eyes” is offensive, you would understand if you grew up with people doing that to you and saying ching chong chang and blocking your way from going home.

  15. Rebel, hush. You sound really hateful. By the way Margaret Cho, I don’t find your song that funny, not because you’re upset with Miley, but it’s just lame. xD Just being honest. You can make fun of other races, Pablo does it all the time. He made fun of black people loving some friend Chicken. I thought it was funny because it’s true and I’m Black! He made fun of Mexicans, he made fun of Asian people and the myth of them having tiny penises. He made fun of WHITE PEOPLE! especially the white guys who try to act like 50 cent and all that crap. So Margaret, since I don’t know you, I don’t hate you or anything like that, but this whole race thing just needs to quit. People are way too sensitive to even laugh about the stupidity and the uniqueness of their own ethnicity. Another thing, why is it when an ethnic group can make fun of their own kind or hate their own kind, but we are so quick to jump on anyone who repeats what we think is acceptable in our own group, but not for others? Because we can’t learn to leave the past in the past. We can’t learn from each other and evidently we’re not acting like we want to learn from each other. My father doesn’t like the “N” word to be heard from anyone, not even his own kind. Guess what else? I think anyone who acts stupid can be called the “N” word, even the White People. Every race is fair game to joke about in this generation, because we are no longer in that age where our Ancestors suffered because of uncertainty and racism. None of us or rather some of us are getting harassed because we’re different. The most recent suffering are those who are Muslim decent thanks to 911. I swear, everyone is just looking for a reason or something to dislike. Homo sapiens can be such idiots.

  16. First Team Spain at the Beijing Olympics…

    Now tween-idol Miley.

    Who’s next, Obama?

    When it’s against Blacks or Latinos, it’s “racism.”
    But when it’s against us, it’s just plain “funny.”
    Well, when is enough, ENOUGH, my Asian sistahs???
    Stand up and fight the power!!!

    Ya girl!

  17. I second GFTosser!
    Miley claimed she made a “goofy face.” So what are you saying Miley? That people with Asian descent are “goofy” looking? Bitch. You go Margaret!

  18. The issue at heart isn’t whether or not Miley is racist (I believe she is more clueless than intentional).

    Rather, is it acceptable for a marginalized population, portrayed as “the model minority” (translation: well-behaved) to be vocal when being mocked, undermined, etc (even if it’s in “good humor”).

    You go, Margaret!

  19. This is stupid.
    Ok, so she does that, so what? Asians do have eyes like that! Its like if you call a black person, dark-skinned, would you be racist?? Uh.. Answer: No.


  21. this really crosses the line–next she’s going to put on Spock ears and pretend she’s the Keebler Elf. Well, at least then she’d eat cookies and get fat. You go Margaret–racism has no place–not on a box of Keebler Elf cookies, and not at a drunken teenage party!

  22. I agree with Rebecca. If Miley said the “N” word then everyone and their mothers would be all over her to give a piece of their minds. Instead, she makes a derogatory “Asian” face and most people don’t bat an eye-lash.

    As Dr. Suess so wisely said, “A person’s a person no matter how small (their eyes are).” Miley is a person too and for the sake of all people, just own up with a “sorry” PERIOD. None of that, “Ohh I’m young~” nonsense.

  23. I agree that Miley made a heinous mistake in perpetuating an insulting gesture towards Asians. But why are you giving yourself a free ride Margaret? I have documentary evidence of you doing this half a dozen times yourself. Of course, in context, when you do it, it is considered empowerment, much like African-Americans using the word “nigger”, Pakistanis using the word “wog”, Puerto Ricans employing the word “spic”, and of course homosexuals using “faggot” etc, etc, because using the “white man’s words” , demystifying them, taking the hate out – which is all BULLSHIT!

    Words (and gestures, as in this case) are as only as powerful as we the users and listeners give them. For someone who uses the words fuck, cunt, asshole, motherfucker in ways which are simultaneously funny and hateful and have used the “chinese eyes” gesture repeatedly, I’d think you would have a much more reasoned response towards Miley Cyrus. Instead spreading the hate, why don’t you have a one on one with Miley Cyrus? It’d be a nice guesture, I would say.

  24. Those of us who are Asians and have been made fun of in this manner are very hurt. Miley if you only know how hurt I am because of what you and your friends did. Do you like creating anger in us. Do you like to make us feel that we are not Americans? Don’t you like Asians? Is there something about us that you don’t like. My Race served in wwII to prove we were Americans. Google 442 and read all about it. My uncle served in this batallion. He said he served to help make things better, to prove we were loyal to the United states of America. Many Japanese young me died serving in the 442 in wwII. We have paid with our blood to be as American as anyone else. I forgive you as God has forgiven me. Please stop doing this kind of thing. Isn’t there enough anger and hatred in this world?

  25. I’ve never been a fan of Miley Cyrus or any of Disney’s ‘golden girls’, which includes Vanessa Hudgens. Yes she’s only 16 and so am I. But I don’t go acting stupid like her. I don’t go goofing around and eventually crumble my reputation. This isn’t the first time she’s done something incredibly dumb. I’m not really surprise that Disney’s keeping her. It’s SO llike Disney. Same thing with Vanessa Hudgen’s photos. Everything is just ignored and everyone is going back to make $$$. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU.

  26. Hey Margaret, here’s a song I made for you. =) It’s a parody of your Miley one. hahaha.

    Margaret Cho made a stupid song
    About Miley doing something “wrong”
    I don’t know if she was serious
    As if she can’t be anymore delirious

    So what if she made some chinky eyes
    That ain’t ever enough to despise
    She was only having fun with some guys
    Accusing of “racism” is totally unwise!

    Oh Margaret!
    Miley is just 16
    Putting her down is not so keen
    You’re just trying to make a scene!

    Making funny faces isn’t that bad
    Then why the heck are you so mad?
    You must be so freaking screwed
    For attacking a girl; you deserve to be booed!

    All you have to do is look at your face
    And you’ll see the b*tch who’s part of the doggie race
    This kind of “WOMAN” has no proper place
    Margaret Cho is a disgrace!

  27. Come on!! I’m chinese, but I don’t see anything offensive in that picture! My friends make the same things with their eyes to me, but their just kidding. I know they never mean anything!! I do the same thing to them, but the other way around, but I don’t have anything against white people! Miley was just being silly with friends, she is not rasist!!! She is just 16, havn’t u been a teenager before and made fun of other races?? My school does not have many asians, and everyone makes fun of them, but I know they don’t mean anything. Friends always tease eachother. So…I think you are wayyyyy over-reacting!

  28. If it’s not such a “big deal,” then tell her to go put on Blackface next or big Jew nose.

    And then try to play it off to Obama and the ADL as “just acting goofy.”

    Real funny folks!

  29. Im sorry but what you’re doing is very unfair. She is not a disgrace. To me she is my idol.
    She will make many mistakes, she apologized! the repentant!
    if a video of her mocking and insulting Asians, you would have basis to disturb greatly
    But if you realize, in the photo is an asian who has his eyes wide open … seems West. I’m going to sue because he is making fun of Westerners. earn some money there …
    Please Margaret, everything was a joke, forgive! it is not perfect …!! and your not. She learned the lesson. She was brave to ask for forgiveness … and you?

  30. Dear Margaret,

    On a lighter note,
    I kind of like the song in a way. It was creative and well-thought out. Props to you if you did those lyrics.

    But…. a little bitchy & paranoid aren’t we?

  31. Pingback: hardboiled blog
  32. This is so stupid.
    I’m Asian and I didn’t think this photo was offensive at all.
    People need to stop picking on Miley and making everything into a big deal because she’s just a stupid kid. Also, it’s obvious that Miley can’t own up to any of her mistakes so Miley fans need to STFU.
    To those that think all Asians have slanted, small eyes, you guys are stupid.
    Most have normal sized eyes. The small, slanted eyes thing is just a ridiculous stereotype. Also, to those that state, ‘the Asian guy is making fun of Caucasians by widening his eyes,’ just shut up.
    You guys make it sound like all Caucasians, and only Caucasians, have big eyes.

  33. “My school does not have many asians, and everyone makes fun of them” – Lisa Yu

    Uh, “them?” Why don’t yu say “us?”

    Aren’t Whitewashed Asians like you and the guy in Miley’s pic who don’t stick up for yourself or your race – the BIGGER problem here why anti-Asian racism is tolerated more than any other kind???? Cuz if YOU don’t tell them to stop it…WHO WILL?

    *cough* sellout banana *cough*

  34. I know its racist,but why would she purposely make a racist face?She said she was sorry.You need to give her another chance.Think about it…..everything that happened to her was unfair.The pictures that were hacked,now this? Don’t call her a slut.Its not like she sent it to someone.and she wasn’t naked, either. So stop judging her and get the facts straight before you go critisizing her.Thge media ALWAYS makes a big deal out of everything.I personally think, well, at least she made a face instead of saying “asians are ugly”(example)
    u should really only give her half credit and stop making a big deal ouuta everything.

  35. Please get over yourself !! Miley is a kid who was goofing off with her friends, and now it’s turned into an international incident. The liberal media is so biased, they turned a silly girl making a funny face, into a controversy. In the 50’s , there were Jews, Wops, micks, krauts, etc….Everyone had their own name for everyone else. Blacks, mexicans, asians, and any other color than white, can say whatever they want. Whites get blasted for everything. The media projects reverse racism towards whites as being completely acceptable. This polilitically correct crap is ruining our country and stepping on our rights. Free speech is still part of this country’s constitution. The double standard is so incredulous, why aren’t more people complaining? I’m also absolutely sure that if Miley was a lesbian, you’d be more apt to forgive her. Stop instigating the hate and go back to trying to be funny.

  36. I’m Asian-American and at first, I didn’t take offense to this goofy picture thing, but then, I went to Sunny Fong’s website from the link shown on his comment (the one that states he was there with Miley that night) and realized that it wasn’t the picture that has been circulating around the Internet. In Sunny Fong’s photo, the Asian dude is also making the same goofy pic, but in the other photo I’ve seen it appears that everyone is making fun of this other Asian guy who is NOT making the goofy face. WTF?! It looks like this Sunny Fong photoshoped himself into the pic. He claims that he was there so it was okay for Miley to make this “goofy face.” I’m offended by this Sunny Fong guy not Miley. Geez.

    Sunny Fong’s website

    Photo from TMZ and other websites.

  37. Iris, Sunny Fong’s post is a joke. He is making fun of the idea that some people have that it’s “OK” that Miley and all the other white kids were making this racist gesture because an Asian guy was there. He is making fun of the idea that it’s just all in good fun.

  38. Yes, lets take cheap shots at a 16 year old girl. Why don’t you attack Russle Peters? He makes a living out of minority jokes….Asians included. And those minorities laugh at his shows. Get over it. She’s a kid goofing around. Nobody here can say they were perfect as teens. Those that do are just lying to themselves.

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