Real Beauty

I love the new Dove ads with the curvy girls in their underwear. They are hottt. I was kind of shocked by them at first, mostly because we never, ever see any images of real looking women in the media, much less unclothed. The way we see ‘normal’ in advertising, movies, and tv is completely abnormal. The thin yet muscular bodies we are used to seeing up there are actually quite rare down here. In real life, few people are like that. Isn’t it weird that we never use ourselves to sell something to ourselves? That authenticity is a shocking new marketing campaign and not the norm? I think the women in the Dove ads look great. They look sexy and healthy and beautiful, and that they are not ‘models’ is wrong, because they should be modeling everything!
Whenever I see an ad with lots of painfully thin girls in it, I am usually turned off to the product. I feel like it must not be for me. It probably wouldn’t matter but this happens thousands of times a day. Pretty soon, I suspect the entire world is not for me. It must only be for the thinner, richer, whiter and younger crowd. You start to believe nobody cares about you, that even your money isn’t good enough for them. I love that Dove is not too good for my money, and their inclusive advertising makes me want to buy their product.

I hope other companies wake up. Clothes do not look better on thinner people. They just look like clothes I am not supposed to wear and therefore will not be purchasing. Everybody knows that. It is not like anyone looks at a model wearing something and immediately thinks that it will look the same on them. Self consciousness is just as strong an instinct as wanting to ‘buy into’ the glamorous life. I can’t understand why advertisers still don’t get this. Besides, I want to see more sexy women in their underwear.

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