16 thoughts on “Please Vote

  1. hey, i love you lots, and have been a long time supporter…. but first lost my confidence in the government during reagan’s days when HIV exploded. it was during that time that i lost my innocence with politics – and i have no intention of ever voting in my lifetime… atleast not under the current fundamentally corrupt system. so…i’m sorry to say no to you beloved margaret, but no thanks.

    today, i celebrate with millions of others who refuse to vote.

    as einstein said, “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” ie. just because we change the management periodically, doesn’t eliminate the problem of a capitalist/greed society that perpetuates dishonesty, mass murder via wars in the name of freedom, and a host of unsightly stinking deeds done in the name of ‘jesus’ on its own peoples.

    the same global money (bankers) that stand behind the republocrats also feed and dictate to the demicans. there truly is no difference between the party base… it’s just a different label. and no matter who gets in this round…. we are destined for a great economic depression the likes which few will believe until it arrives in their own refrigerator. i want no part in any of it. to participate merely prolongs the suffering of its inevitable collapse. we need an entirely new system… and until then, i will have no interest in voting.

    i respect your choice in voting, please respect mine.

  2. Yes, vote! Thank you Margaret!

    And Evan, I agree that the system is flawed but to totally dismiss it until it lives up to your standards does nothing. 🙁

    I feel like in this case, voting, abstaining because of lazyness or because of ethics have the same effect on the outcome. So you may as well vote. Even if all you do is write in nonsense candidates or spoil your ballot then at least you are recorded in the voter turn out and people know you dont agree with the ways of politics. By just not voting these messages are not given and things go on as before.

    I am for revolution. But to get there we need to act, not refrain from acting. Right now I am acting by voting for Obama.

  3. I was posting on some other forums and someone suggested that the term “marriage” be removed from all legal documents. Instead only civil unions being defined by law and marriage being separate as a religious and personal thing. I thought that was really interesting. Why couldn’t my mom get knocked up a few months sooner so i could vote?!

  4. Margaret,

    Thank you. Two words, I know they seem small and simple but their impact isn’t lessened. You’ve stood by us for aeons and have been a beacon in the dark for the LGBTA community for as long as I can recall. My husband and I live in Kansas, a state with a rich hstory of social defiance which seems to have fallen by the wayside of late. I want you to know that even here you are heard. I cast my absentee ballot for Obama two weeks ago and my husband is casting his shortly. I need you to know that hope is not yet gone from this country. And with people like you working towards it, it never will be. God bless you.

    And yes, I a faggot said God Bless, because like you. God is my homie. We’re tight.

    Thank you.
    Michael-Joseph Ephraim Alexander McGuire. Soon to be McGuire-Curry.

  5. I am completely freaking out about whether or not Prop 8 will pass. I also can’t believe we have to vote for this AGAIN since Prop 8 is basically D.O.M.A. in a different outfit.

  6. I wished there would have been more vocal support for Cindy Sheehan.

    I do not live in California, but I loathe Pelosi, and would love to see her go down.
    BO will sweep my state (Washington), but I voted my conscience, which was Nader.

    McCain swung too far to the right, and I think Barack is full of shit who will really have to prove himself to me to get my vote (next time?)
    Both of these guys voted for the bailout, the Patriot act, want nuclear power and that seems to be OK with all the little BO- peeps who follow him.
    I wonder if the DNC will want to count the votes in Michigan and Florida today now that Clinton isn’t running. Hmmm. probably so.

  7. I regret severely that I could not be there in California for the Prop 8 thing. I’m in Georgia. But we now have a president who isn’t old, white, or Republican, and somehow that feels right to me. Now if only we could get a sassy, daring, fag-hag Korean girl in that white house!

    I wonder where we could find one of those… hmmmmmmm….. 😉

  8. I am overjoyed by Obama winning.

    But as of this moment, prop 8 is winning. And it just fills me with such sorrow. My heart is breaking.

    I keep weeping with pride and with despair.
    But Obama mentioned gays in his speech, as Americans.
    And in my mind, softly, so softly, I hear the patient, persevering, strong voices of noble people, giving themselves in sacrifice and honor:

    We shall overcome
    We shall overcome
    We shall overcome some day

    Oh, deep in my heart
    I do believe
    We shall overcome some day

    We’ll walk hand in hand
    We’ll walk hand in hand
    We’ll walk hand in hand some day

    We shall all be free
    We shall all be free
    We shall all be free some day

    We are not afraid
    We are not afraid
    We are not afraid some day

    We are not alone
    We are not alone
    We are not alone some day

    The whole wide world around
    The whole wide world around
    The whole wide world around some day

    We shall overcome
    We shall overcome
    We shall overcome some day

  9. Thank God Obama won! But I can’t believe that so many states, including California, decided to ban gay marriage. This is very upsetting since California just recently legalized it. It’s pure, blatant discrimination. These damn Christian conservatives can’t seem to keep church and state separate. I am quite ashamed of my state right now.

  10. I grew up a member of the Mormon church and I’ve been disowned by my family because of this whole issue. My mother actually says she wishes I was dead because it would be easier for her to deal with. In there eye’s, I’m not even a person anymore, I’m some vessel the devil is using.

    So having the Mormons so involved in this whole thing (raising as much as 75% of the money, going door to door, etc) feels like being disowned all over again.

    No, more than that it feels like they’ve taken that golden statue off the top of their temple and rammed it up my ass… repeatedly… with nothing buy holy water for lube.

    I hurt. Still, I am very glad for Obama. It was like a JFK moment last night.

    San Francisco
    Married (for the moment – until the bigots go to court to retroactively dissolve that too)

  11. Sorry about Prop 8 everyone. I feel even more grateful now to be in a country where i can marry who i want (Canada)! I LOVE YOU MARGARET <3

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