
At first I thought Sarah Palin was some kind of Republican pandering – a misguided attempt to woo Hillary voters over to the dark side, as if they believed women voters were so stupid that they would vote for anyone in skirt, but now I see that she is much, much worse.

I have nothing against hockey moms – I just don’t want to be one. If Sarah Palin had her way, she would take away that right not to be a mom. She wants to outlaw abortion – so to call her a feminist is as laughable as calling evangelicals ‘Christians.’ They shouldn’t have the right to call themselves Christian, for they have no Christ-like attributes. I am a feminist and a Christian – and when I see Sarah Palin – I see neither. And it is official. She is evil. I saw on Violet Blue’s awesome blog that Sarah Palin forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic exams.

This is serious and bad.

150 thoughts on “Palin

  1. Seriously why don’t you and all the other “celebs” just shut the hell up!!!! I recently read something Kid Rock wrote:

    “”I truly believe that people like myself, who are in a position of entertainers in the limelight, should keep their mouth shut on politics. Because at the end of the day, let me tell you what I ‘m good at: I’m good at writing songs and singing. What I’m not educated in is the field of political science. And so for me to be sharing my views and influencing people of who I think they should be voting for … I think would be very irresponsible on my part. So I’ll just keep my mouth shut on that. I think celebrity endorsements hurt politicians. Because as soon as somebody comes out for a politician, especially in Hollywood, when they all go, ‘I’m voting for this guy!’ — I go, ‘That’s not who I’m voting for!’

    Now why can’t the rest of you follow suit. You don’t know what the hell you are talking about! I would be very curious to know what qualifications you have in politics and what your educational back ground is???? Just because you are “famous” to use YOUR stage and politic is plain ignorant. You being one of those wacko feminists should be damm glad you have a women that is running and that may actually win. If you and all your celeb haters are so discontent with the USA then fuc_ing MOVE to the Middle East. GET OUT PLEASE!! I am sure you can afford a ride to the airport. Make no mistake people like you and the media WILL win this election for the Republicans because of your leftist ways, hating and bashing McCain and Palin. They could just sit at home and win at this rate.

  2. i never thought cho was funny just kinda silly now i think she’s really silly! laura, hit the nail on the head, stick to what you’re good at… well in your case, what you think you’re good at. “no obama in 08”

  3. I think you nailed it on the head. But I would like to address some of the comments to your words on your blog.
    First off she has every right and in my opinion as well as our Constitution, or shall I say duty to share her opinion about politics. She holds a position in the limelight that enables her to reach a far greater population of people than myself and or other unnamed and unfamous people have. Margaret is informed, if she wasn’t how would she be able to write about the things she chose to write about? Margaret has used her platform to educate people on some of the many sickening details of a candidate not fit to be the Vice President. It matters not if I agree or disagree with Margaret, it matters only that I respect her for using her own blog to voice her disgust for something she does not agree with. Celebrities do it all the time. And there are always people who disagree with what they have to say. But guess what you are spewing your vile hatred for her voice on her site. So suck it up. Stop coming here and reading if you do not want to know someones opinion. Don’t read a site that is based soley on such. Also never tell someone to get out of this country. That is the foulest form of bigotry there is. You had the freedom to tell her to get the fuck out, now I have the freedom to tell you to shut the fuck up and educate your stupid ass in what is really going on in this world.
    Also to the people who say you can be a christian and not be pro abortion you are right. But being pro-choice is not pro-abortion. It is a matter of being in favor of allowing a woman the right to choose what happens with her own body. When we take away that right we move back into a sexist fascist state of affairs. Judge not is the most Christian rule to live by, so judging a womans choiced based on not understanding a situation is ignorant and frankly rather scary. You do not have to agree with someone’s choice but as long as it is not your choice to make it should not matter to you.
    It is time for America to wake up and stop eating this bullshit the two parties are feeding us. Educate yourselves people. Look at the voting records of the three people running who have them. Think not only of yourselves but of future generations and ask yourself what is more important The rhetoric we are fed or the scary truth there is to uncover.

  4. “Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants.”
    -Mother Theresa

  5. We as women do have the right to choose what happens to our bodies…don’t have sex unless you are willing to accept the adult responsibilities of having a child. If you are willing to have the adult privilege of having sex aren’t we then responsible for the consequences. I don’t think that all the women who believe in pro-choice or choose to have an abortion are either wanting to have an abortion or think it’s an easy thing to do…but it is easier than having a child and caring for that child. I don’t want anyone to be stuck with a child they don’t want, how awful for the child, but come on. When did we stop taking responsibility for our actions. We have the privilege of driving cars if we also take on the responsibility of following the rules so as not to harm some else, (not an exact comparison, I know, but it’s hard to put being responsible for our actions in non-inflammatory words) Both sides should start at least trying to be respectful to one another. I do not like how it seems everyone has resorted to shouting at each other. I don’t agree with Margaret’s view point but she’s worthy of having it. As am I. And I think both views are worth having a discussion, not a mud flinging session.
    I agree that Margaret has the right to share her opinion on this blog, she accepts comments and doesn’t filter them, I respect that. Hearing both sides cannot be easy, especially when people go out of their way to be unkind.
    This is not a “can’t we all just get along speech” either. There are things I vehemently adhere to but I hope I am willing to defend these things without calling a person stupid for having an opposite view.

  6. I think people should study up on their feminist history before blasting Palin. Google the name Victoria Woodhull. She ran for President in 1872 on the Equal Right Party ticket. She was pro-woman long before any of us. Yet, she was anti-abortion. I will quote from a website on her stance, “She did say abortion was murder, but she also said the answer to abortion did not lie in the law, but in freedom for women. If she were alive today, it’s doubtful she would advocate making abortion illegal. She believed that virtue enforced by law was not virtue at all. More likely, she would advocate changing the conditions in society that cause a woman to choose abortion, like the inability to afford to bear and raise a child.” Also, famous feminist Alice Paul asked “how can one protect and help women by killing them as babies?” Google their names. Read up on these Iron Jawed women that suffered for US. “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women”. If you don’t like Palin personally, that’s your choice. But smearing emails, like Eve Ensler’s diatribe about library books being banned just shows that she didn’t bother reading up on anything and that she is doing what she is doing like the rest of Hollywood. Lemmings off a cliff. Learn the truth. Then vote the truth.

  7. You are a JOKe and know absolutely nothing about Christ or his attributes.. The bible is not some book that you can take excerpts from and act like you know what it’s talking about. Jesus said love the sinner and Hate the sin. Whether you agree or not the bible is fact not fiction unlike your terrible unfunny sense of humor..keep at it Cho.. I guess you are trying to keep yourself relevant.

  8. I think unless you’re a male with a uterus and are capable of carrying a child, YOU SHOULD SHUT THE HELL UP when it comes to the abortion issue!

    Margaret – You are entitled to your opinion about Palin and you’re entitled to write WTF you want on your blog. People who don’t like it can STOP EFFING READING IT!

    Sarah Palin for VP will set women in this country back 100 years!

  9. Hey Nancy, 100 years ago women would have been thrilled to be Governor, Mayor, have her husband take care of the kids while she “went to the office”, etc.. So how do you figure she will set people back when she is doing everything they fought for?

  10. Laura,

    “Seriously why don’t you and all the other “celebs” just shut the hell up!!!! I recently read something Kid Rock wrote”
    For someone who gets so aggravated when “celebs” speak their mind, its rather funny you choose to quote one of them!

    “If you and all your celeb haters are so discontent with the USA then fuc_ing MOVE to the Middle East. GET OUT PLEASE!!”
    The people you are referring to are not discontent with the USA, they are discontent with the people who have been in government for the past 8 years! And why do you want them to move to the middle east? Is it because the economy in most of those countries is presently booming, and its people are living tax-free lives? Or is it because you are an uneducated, racist fool who is so ignorant you still think that a life outside of the US of A isnt worth living?
    Its unfortunate there are still so many intolerant people out there who cannot voice their opinions without sounding like trailer park trash!

  11. I dislike that woman so much it gives me a severe headache. She is evil, and she will force this country to regress if she is placed in office. She wants this government to be theocratic when our forefathers specifically stated that they wanted a separation of church and state. Ummm…they had experience in that area. They saw what it did to European governments. Maybe she doesn’t read history books.

    There is a possibility she will indeed become vice president and then McCain may die…and she will become president. If I suddenly suffer an aneurysm on the same day that happens, it was no coincidence.

  12. I believe Ms. Cho is a Christian. Thanks to the freedoms we have…she can say what she wants, when and how she wants to. It’s okay to disagree with her…but challenging her on her faith and her beliefs as a Christian is a no-no. Who are you to say that she isn’t a Christian? Who is anyone to say one person is allowed into heaven? I believe that’s God’s decision.

    I for one, am so against Obama because he is not the person I want in the white house. I can’t say I want McCain either…but given the two to choose from- I would choose McCain.

    So flame me as much as you do others who post what they feel but if you look at the issues…especially energy, healthcare and taxes…this man is so against capitalism and so anti-capitalism isn’t even funny.

    Ms. Palin has struck a chord with me. She may not be in VP material in your eyes, but she represents women…working women that take care of business. I am one of them…and I am not White.

    Go fig.

    God bless all of you…and most especially Ms. Cho. She always opens my eyes to so many injustices and truths…

  13. I think you are absolutely right.
    Its Republican pandering, through and through.
    Designed to trick the most gullible…. like the fools who think they are Christian by discriminating, judging, hating and hurting the “least” of God’s children.

  14. For all of you claiming that being pro-choice is not christian like are stupid. I am a proud christian and I am very involved in reading the bible and going to church. However, I am pro-choice and it is not necessarily because I agree with having an abortion but b/c that is between that person and God. None of us are God, so who are we to make that choice for someone. Let me pose this question. If your doctor told you that the child you are carrying will die within 30 mins of birth and that is only if the child doesn’t die before you give birth what would you do? I would hope that you would take that to God first. How about none of us attack anyones christianity b/c we are NOT the ones deciding who spends eternity with God.

    As far as Ms. Palin goes I don’t like what she stands for and as a women I think it speaks volumes of her character that she would allow herself to be used just to win. Do I think it is historic that a women is on a ticket? yes. Would I have prefered Hillary to be on the ticket over Sarah? Hell yes! But the fact of the matter is that I can’t buy that she knows anything about foreign affairs when she can sit in an interview and say she can see Russia from her house. My concern then becomes if she even passed geogrpahy. To be honest I could go on for days about all the things wrong with the fact that there is a possiblity that she could be a heartbeat away from being president. So with that said, I challenge people to wake up and actually look at who is actually going to help this country and I believe it is not McCain. You need to actually do some research and not JUST depend on what the commentators on CNN (as much as I love CNN) tell you because their on there to defend their parties, as clearly and recently demonstrated by repulicans. Lets leave the race and gender out of it and stick to the facts.

  15. This is a pretty fair examination of this situation:

    Thursday, September 11, 2008


    Six Points to Consider When Reading About Wasilla’s Policy on Rape Kits

    A few points to consider when you hear about the town of Wasilla, and its egregious former policy of charging rape victims for rape kits, a topic USA Today examined today.

    1. It is indeed a terrible policy to charge a rape victim for the cost of collecting evidence to prosecute. But these charges occur, even in places where the law theoretically bans it. According to a 2008 U.S. News and World Report article, some Illinois rape victims are still being charged for the rape kits.

    The state seemed to address this in a 2001 law, but it would seem that as usual, passing a law and getting a bureaucracy to comply are two different things.

    2. Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella told USA Today in an e-mail that the governor “does not believe, nor has she ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test.” Her critics can legitimately ask why, as mayor, she didn’t overrule her police chief. But they cannot charge that she supported the policy. In fact, there is not yet any evidence that Palin was aware of this policy.

    3. The Police Chief of Wasilla who oversaw this policy may have been wrong to argue that the government should not cover the cost of the tests, but note that he did not want the victim to pay; he wanted to charge the perpetrators the cost.

    Ultimately it is the criminal who should bear the burden of the added costs, Fannon said.

    The forensic exam is just one part of the equation. Id like to see the courts make these people pay restitution for these things, Fannon said.

    Fannon said he intends to include the cost of exams required to collect evidence in a restitution request as a part of a criminals sentencing.

    4. An aide to a Democratic state legislator tells USA Today that women in Wasilla did pay out of pocket for their rape kits. According to available FBI statistics, there were five rapes in Wasilla during the three years that they have online records for. The newspaper does the town a disservice by citing the statewide numbers and saying the state has the highest rate of rapes per person.

    5. Starting next year, federal law will ban the practice of refusing “to cover the estimated $800 cost of a forensic rape exam unless the victim files a police report.” That is the policy in “many” jurisdictions, according to the AP.

    6. Let’s concede the worst, which was that this was an unforgivably stupid policy, and that Palin should have overturned it during her tenure. I’ll let Obama fans explain why that error in judgment is superior to voting “present” when dealing with “a bill permitting the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services to report suspected child abuse while protecting the identity of the facility or person providing the information.”

  16. The last time I checked, Matt Damon and Margaret Cho, are American citizens, who have every right to express their opinions and are entitled to vote for whomever they choose on Election Day. I’d also like to remind misinformed people such as commenter Laura that people like Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and similar-minded ilk, who go on record repeatedly and proclaim that “celebrities” should keep their mouths shut, are ALSO “celebrities” that WON’T keep their mouths shut. Therefore, to proclaim that Margaret Cho, Matt Damon, and people like them should keep their opinions to themselves, is being hypocritical. Plain and simple.

  17. Where does it say in the bible that sex should only be in marriage…this is the most ridiculous concept I have heard yet. And yes, I have a hard time considering Evangelicals true Christians
    and most Christians true Christians for that matter,,,from my knowledge and studies of the teachings of Jesus….am I wrong, or was he about love, peace, acceptance and forgiveness. and wasn’t he Jewish anyway.

    it is insane and arrogant and childish as well to hear some of these supposed christians say…”God wants us to do this….God is happy when we do that…..God say….” Do they have his email address or just his cell phone number??? It sounds to me not much different than believing in Santa Claus.

  18. OMG–I just read what Lorrie wrote about what Christianity is about…make others Christians and convert them to follow the doctrines of Christianity. This is VIOLENCE upon the soul in the worst way. No wonder other religious groups want to attack us….they are protecting themselves against potential religious possession. I am sorry, I do not believe that any loving God would promote this type of behavior….conversion, etc….nauseating that anyone could possibly believe this to be the way to love other human beings.

  19. My god the nastiest comments on this post seem to come from Christians. That decides it I have to get one of those “god save me from your followers” bumperstickers.
    And to all of those like Miss Cynthia (above) – what makes you think YOU are so right? I think most ‘celebrities’ have no real reason to be famous at all. Margaret is NOT one of those people. Thank God she’s no LoHo. She’s a very real beautiful person, with very real feelings – except for maybe the back room of her party (we know she likes to hang out on the porch) And she, just like YOU has every right to say what she feels.
    And WHAT THE FUCK does questioning our government have anything to do with hating the U.S.A. – the next time I hear “USA – Love it or Leave It” coming out someone’s mouth, I’m going to give them a really good punch in the tits. the 60’s ended about 38 years ago so why are you still using THAT excuse?
    I’m not so certain Obama can “change’ all the bullshit that Bush caused – but I’ll be damned if McCain gets my vote.And Strah Palin? well at least she’s upfront about being kinda scary, and ignorant.
    until 2000 we were a democracy – one where the people choose their president (not one where the president elect’s brother chooses for you)
    By the definition of democracy we are ALL pro choice.
    … and I’d rather move to Sweden than Iran.

  20. I love you Margaret! I believe that Evangelicals are Christians. However, I believe that no Christian on earth is Christ-like in any way shape or form. When it comes right down to it on the issue of being Pro-Life or Pro-Choice(not Pro-Abortion!) it is imperative to sit back and say to yourself, “do I have the right to tell someone else what they can and cannot do with their body?” The answer, obviously, is NO. No one bears the right to tell anyone else what they can and cannot do with their body. Christian or not. This is not a moral or ethical issue, its an issue of rights. I am buddhist. I feel that there are better options when it comes to alternatives to giving up a child, like adoption. There are several people out there that desperately want children, but cannot have them. However, one will NEVER hear me tell someone else what they can, cannot, should and should not do with their body.

    Furthermore, Sarah Palin is evil in that she may be a female, but she is just another carbon copy of the same shit we have put up with for the past eight years. She is inexperienced and should not be the VP of the most powerful nation in the world. I am 28 years old and have never voted in an election, but I am going to this year. This point in history will be a pivotal moment. Here is where we decide what we want our future to look like. I don’t want my future to look like the past eight years.

    Thank you, Margaret, for being fearless in the face of so many that would condemn you. Thank you, for sharing with us your opinion.

  21. If you are posting facts or intelligent comments on this board, look to be ignored. I really dislike generalizations that aren’t backed up. So those that say the “nastiest comments on this board seem to come from Christians, I would say let’s count them up. It amazes me that many think that anti-abortion = feminist or that pro-choice ≠ Christian. The true feminist treasures life (the term “mother” earth does mean something) and does not seek to end it. Rather, the choice should be to prevent not end life. Abortion is not the only CHOICE. It should not be the centerpiece issues for women either.

  22. Mary says: “…the choice should be to prevent not end life. Abortion is not the only CHOICE. It should not be the centerpiece issues for women either.”

    Then, to speak to the first point you made, you will be interested to know that Democrats in the U.S. House as well as in the Florida State legislature as well as other state legislatures throughout the U.S. have been trying to enact “Prevention First” bills that provide for comprehensive sex-ed, more widespread access to birth control, and childcare support for single working mothers. And guess who have been blocking these excellent bills that promote alternatives to abortion? Republicans!!

    The Democrats, not Republicans, have been the ones to take a pro-active role in reducing the number of abortions in this country via preventive measures. If Republicans really were serious about ending abortion, they would join with the Prevention First advocates rather than pushing for right-wing judges to legislate from the bench and overturn Roe v. Wade. Given these facts, you need to ask yourself who is more serious about reducing abortion in this country. It certainly ISN’T the party of McCain/Palin!

    I do agree with you that abortion shouldn’t be the centerpiece issue for women, especially with regards to voting in this year’s election. We are engaged in two bloody, disastrous wars with seemingly no resolution; an economy in shambles; a crumbling infrastructure and dwindling middle-class (which is the backbone of any healthy democracy); and a healthcare system that costs both taxpayers and businesses MORE money than it does save money.

    If more of us Americans would have a big-picture view of how they want their country to be in the future–and who they want running it–then it would behoove us all to STOP being single-issue voters and START choosing those who have the best solutions for ALL Americans–not just the ones you happen to like better than other Americans.

  23. What ever happened to the separation of church and state? It appears to me that many of Palins and McCain views and goals and not constitutional, unless they changed the constitution recently…Whether pro-life or pro-choice, I thought we lived in a country where we are free to worship and believe what we want without the government pushing religious doctrines down our throats…let alone making them laws. Why is this such a problem? I don’t get it. If there are those that are anti-abortion, then that is to be respected and no one should force them to ever abort, as well as those who choose abortion should not be forced to not have one.

    I feel that this shows that our constitution and free rights are going down the drain. I didn’t know that you MUST be an Evangelical Christian to be an American.

    And yes, prevention is the best pro-life policy. It is ridiculous and stone age thinking to believe that abstention works and that sex ed and contraception should not be taught to our youngsters. Most normal persons have had or will have sex in their later teens…this is just a fact.

  24. I personally don’t agree with abortion as a form of birth control, (my opinion)but forcing a rape victim to pay for a forensic exam in repulsive. If she is a Christian, where is her compassion?

    I also hate how the media and the conservative right has destroyed and miss-used the word evangelical. Evangelical means that you evangelize, meaning that you tell people about Christ. It doesn’t mean that you sit up on your high horse talking about how you are better than everyone and and judging everyone.

  25. So you think Christ says we have a right to do this?

    All human beings have a right to life. As Christians, we know each one is created in God’s image and has a soul at conception.

    Mother Teresa said, “…If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?…Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

    I encourage you to check out the following website:

    “Abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women. Women deserve better than abortion.”

  26. Thought you might also find this article interesting:

    Do you know who said the following?
    “Contraceptive methods are like putting a premium on vice. They make men and women reckless. …If (contraceptive) methods become the order of the day, nothing but moral degradation can be the result. As it is, man has sufficiently degraded woman for his lust, and no matter how well meaning the advocates may be, (contraception) will still further degrade her.”
    Mahatma Ghandi said this, speaking out in 1925 against those advocating the wider acceptance and availability of contraception. Ghandi’s view is ironic in several ways. First of all, the obvious: Ghandi was a Hindu, refuting the myth that moral concerns about contraception are limited to Catholics. In truth, for much of history, public opinion largely agreed that the practice of contraception was immoral and destructive to the family and society.
    Many Christians are unaware that contraception was not viewed as acceptable by any Christian community until the Anglican Church in1930—yielding to the pressure of eugenicists and population control enthusiasts—broke rank at their Lambeth Conference by permitting contraception within marriage for couples in extreme circumstances.
    It’s amazing to read the harsh public reaction to the Anglican ruling, including this 1930 editorial from the Washington Post: “Carried to its logical conclusion, the committee’s report, if carried into effect, would sound the death knell of marriage as a holy institution by establishing degrading practices which would encourage indiscriminate immorality. The suggestion that the use of legalized contraceptives would be ‘careful and restrained’ is preposterous.”
    The Post editorial reflects one of the primary concerns articulated by Ghandi, that contraception makes “men and women reckless,” removing the deterrent of pregnancy from non-marital sexual behavior. While adultery and promiscuity are age-old temptations, the natural consequence of sexual intercourse (i.e. children) had previously served to restrain human appetites. Today, it is beyond obvious that the soaring rates of non-marital sexual activity and cohabitation are facilitated by the ready acceptance and availability of contraception.
    Another irony is Ghandi’s view that contraception is degrading to women, as opposed to the modern notion that contraception liberates women. Ghandi’s reasoning that contraception thwarts sexual self-control, and thus fosters a tendency among men, whether as husbands or not, to view women primarily as objects for sexual use.
    A final irony is that Ghandi was from India, a country seen as the epitome of overpopulation. Ghandi was not oblivious to population concerns, nor was he unconcerned about poverty. However, he believed the answer to regulating India’s birthrate was not contraceptives, but self-control and fidelity. Unfortunately, many of today’s elites embrace the condescending, quasi-racist idea that the ignorant poor cannot learn or practice self-control, fidelity, or periodic abstinence, a perspective also held toward the African nations in their fight against AIDS.
    In our own country, even among many Catholics, the unquestioned embrace of contraception continues to yield the bitter fruit of sexual recklessness. Most recently, the movement for the acceptance of homosexual behavior, even in some Christian circles, has clear roots in the contraception movement, since the very meaning of sex has been redefined, severed from the procreative dimension and reduced to the pursuit of pleasure. In other words, if sex is entirely about pleasure, does it really matter who pursues that pleasure with whom, when, or how?
    Even through the limited lens of natural law, Ghandi had a clearer vision of sexuality than many contemporary Christians, and unfortunately some Catholics. Amid a culture of sexual and marital brokenness, we need the grace to rediscover the meaning of the marital act as more than just the exchange of pleasure, but as the sacramental embodiment of God’s free, total, faithful, and fruitful love.

    (from 5/11/08 Crossroads)

  27. So—are you saying that I should not use contraception and have 10 kids rather than the amount of children that I feel I can support and take care of. And I am not Christian, which is the point I am trying to make. I is wonderful that you are Christian and choose to follow that belief about pro-life in all cases….but what about those of us that are not Christian. Is it fair that you impose your religious beliefs on me…

    again….not one has answered the separation of church and state issue.

    And what do you mean by sexual recklessness, this is not the issue…are you saying that if a woman is married she should just spew out as many eggs that become fertilized? Some of us a highly fertile. This has nothing to do with infidelity. I love Ghandi but India has a major problem with over population, sickness, poverty and could stand to have less kids born.

    Why do you care so much about what everyone else does? Just mind your own Christian house and body and let the rest of us mind our own.

  28. SpiritBe… I do not believe that being pro-life is a “Christian” issue. We as an American society impose moral beliefs on our citizens all the time. You aren’t allowed to harm another person or take their property. Those are moral issues, and I doubt you are going to call “separation of church and state” on them. I care so much about what everyone else does b/c it affects the world my children and I live in. There is no private sin.

    “That is why he created abortion” Is it? Is that why he created guns, too?

  29. Well Ok Sarah. I see you point but feel differently about when “life” begins and about something growing within my body and is parasitically dependent upon me. Just a completely different way of seeing things.

    And as far as contraception, I definately do not believe that life has anything to do with a sperm and egg that have not met yet. So why allow them to meet if it may cause an unintended life.

    And I have a child and also care about what others do and about his world. I don’t want him to have to live in a world where his personal choices are taken away because of someone else’s perception of sin. What you are saying is that you think you are God or equal to God. Otherwise, how can you make the decision that someone is a sin or not?

    And OK, no one should be allowed to come into my house and harm or take my property. But, if I want to harm my own property, and take responsibilty for the consequences, it is not against the law and no one business. This is agreed upon….so, I consider my body part of my house and my posession. I can do what I want with what is in my body/house but not in yours. I would not be harming anything that belongs to you.

  30. “That is why he created abortion” Is it? Is that why he created guns, too?

    One more question Sarah…you made the above statement and I don’t know what it means. Are you saying that man has no free will or creative ability….that HE??? (pretty sexist right there) creates everything?

    Now lets bring some logic to the table. If He, your God, created abortion, guns, than it must mean that he creates everything? Very confusing philosophy as well as believing that God has a gender, meaning a penis or vagina? This has never made sense to me. It has turned this God into a person?

  31. Margaret Cho has it right, as do countless other “Women Against Sarah Palin” . Palin wants to force women — and CHILDREN — who get RAPED and end up pregnant to have those babies. WHY?!?? Isn’t it enough that they get raped (and, in Alaska, are forced to pay for their own rape kits done at the hospital) ?! I just hope with all the voter registration polls being purged (on the sly, mostly in areas that vote Democrat) in many states now that people don’t find out TOO LATE that they can’t even vote (see: and and ).

  32. As for Palin and her church — the “real” Christians — have y’all heard about their association with this group, “Master’s Commission,” and their ‘school of ministry’ ??

    Headquarters in Texas (founded in Arizona):

    in Wasilla, Alaska:
    View “The Trailer” – 1 min. 20 sec. or
    View “A Deeper Look” – 5 min. 51 sec. or

    in Washington state: (has links to affiliates around the globe). Under the About section, read the Vision page and it’s hope for our men.. when it’s ok to be ‘violent’…..

    Palin addressing the graduating class of June 2008 in Alaska: part 1 and part 2

    God help us all…..!!

  33. let not be so hard on those who feel abortion is wrong…trying to save to the unborn.

    its just quite a few got confused somebody said to them get a life.

    americans……speak your mind if you want about what you want. lets not lose that right…if someone has a problem with that, all i can say is “GET OVER IT,MOVE ON,GET A LIFE.

  34. Hey Sarah, So contraception makes people sexually reckless?

    I bet Ted Haggard and Larry Craig wear condoms all day everyday.

    Know what Jesus hated more than greed or homosexuals or abortion? Hypocrits. Matthew 6:2, Matthew 23, 2 Corinthians 2:17.

    If super-christian super-mom Sarah Palin couldn’t get her kid to a legal age when she got knocked up, how can us lesser beings pull it off? The fact that the woman’s own family is a refutation of her public policies is laughable and the non-coverage of that fact (lots of hoopla over the pregnant kid, no policy discussion) is disgustingly Orwellian.

    Sarah, you care more about theoretical people than you do about live ones. You worry more about homosexuals than you do hypocrisy and the poor. Try actually reading the gospels instead of parroting what your “pastor” sends you in emails.

    Or maybe you can rail some more about the minutiae in the ideology of long dead foreigners whose religion you have no understanding of.

    PS Margaret I never liked you until now. I like your god much better than Sarah’s Ted Haggard version. Thanks.

  35. I suggest that some of you people need to visit a museum to remind yourself what is and is not acceptable political discourse.

    During World War II, Nazis started killing people they felt were racially inferior by shooting them, but when that was decided to be inefficient they found better ways and ultimately slaughtered millions of people in what can only be considered to be pointless racial hatred. That is evil.

    During the same war, Japanese soldiers used living Chinese citizens to practice using their bayonets, drove dump trucks around to round up Chinese women to rape and murder, they took captured British-Indian soldiers placed targets on them and used them for target practice, American soldiers on the Bataan death march were marched until they fell over, then buried alive or shot. That is evil.

    During the time of the Khmer Rouge millions of people were hacked to death for such horrid ‘crimes’ as wearing glasses, speaking French, having an education or complaining about how they were starving to death. Men, women, children, entire families. That is evil.

    In Canada, a man and his wife kidnap two young teenage women and lock them in a sound proof room in their basement. They torture them for days, weeks perhaps, video-recording the whole thing so they can watch it again later and ‘enjoy’ what they did. Raping them repeatedly, brutalizing them over and over until finally.. mercifully (?).. they die. Their bodies were chopped up and disposed of. *That* is evil.

    (The woman ended up getting 10 years because of a plea deal – they didn’t find the tapes until after the trial, their lawyer hid them. She was released a year or two ago.)

    Lets be clear. There are evil people in this world.

    But if you are willing to call someone evil because you have differing political opinions, then the only thing I have to say to you is ‘judge not lest ye be judged’.

  36. SpiritBe, the – “That is why he created abortion” Is it? Is that why he created guns, too? – comment was for Margaret. She said in a later post that God created abortion on the 8th day. I do not believe that God has a gender. I refer to him as male b/c Jesus called him father, but really a spirit is neither he nor she… has qualities of both actually. And yes, a child in your womb is dependent on your body to survive… what a wonderful bond between mother and child. The infant has its own set of human DNA, a beating heart, a brain, and nerve endings, however, so I would consider it much more than a parasite. No life is unintended. All life has purpose, and our society lies to women when they are told that sex can be free and without consequence. Do you really think that this is OK?:

    Yes, feckless, contraception makes people sexually reckless. I cannot explain my view of the purpose of our sexuality outside of my Catholic Christian perspective, so I won’t even try. But basically our society is WAY off base.

  37. I don’t understand why there’s so much hate over this woman. I guess I feel like it’s really difficult to claim to love everyone, when you’re responding with as much hate as what’s being thrown at you.Love isn’t a feeling, it’s something you do..regardless of who or what the recipient is. It’s also inclusive of mercy.

    It’s cool to be angry. That’s pretty normal. But to act upon that hate is what feeds the bad aspects of our culture. We either want to get rid of the cancer upon humanity that we’ve become, or we don’t. Battling it with more hate pretty much makes us just as not cool as the people we’re trying to win against. Stop fighting. Love fiercely, and know that it’s o.k. to be upset and be emotional. But living in that isn’t too productive.

    lol sorry.

  38. Sarah, stop posting that ridiculous picture! That is not an aborted baby as it’s obviously full term or near full term. Most abortions take place before the fetus reaches the size of a quarter. If that baby was, in fact, aborted, what are the chances you think that was done as a birth control method? Do you honestly think there’s a woman out there who would go through 8+ months of pregnancy and then decide “Oh, what the hell, I guess I’ll go have an abortion”? That, pardon my french, is bullshit. When a baby is aborted that late in a pregnancy, it’s because there was some kind of problem – a major, life-threatening problem – either to the baby or the mother, not just because somebody didn’t want to get stretch marks. Pictures like that are blatant propaganda used by people with an agenda. They are not factual or representative of reality in any way, shape, or form. Not to mention the fact that it’s obviously been doctored to make the baby look smaller than it actually is. The background material is obviously supposed to look like a folded paper towel, which would lead one to believe that the baby in the picture is, at max, about 6″ in length. A baby that well developed, that close to birth, would be much larger. I’m not going to debate you on whether abortion is right or wrong, but I would encourage anyone out there on either side of the fence to always question what you’re told and, in this case, what you see.

  39. I had a friend who had an abortion in her 24th week…6 months or so? It was pretty horrifying. I went with her, and she came back telling me that she was told that the state required the clinic to repeat ‘lies’ about the harm late term abortion would cause, and they apologized that she had to listen to it. I don’t know. If you’re going to stop a beating, human heart..stand up for that. No reason to hide it if that’s what you believe in.

  40. So Sarah, how many children do you have?

    I personally don’;t think I could raise a bunch so I feel that contraception was the only smart thing to do other than have sex once a year which my husband would not be happy with. You are entitled to your beliefs and more power to you if you are the type of person who can competently mother a whole slew of kids. I have known a few women who had 10 kids and did a good job. I am not built for that physically or emotionally and I do not believe that any compassionate god would want me to put myself or children in that type of situation. This is not about reckless sex when you are married for and in a commited relationship. I think you are very misinformed.

  41. And Sarah, I am very sorry that your religion has told you that it is not ok to make love to you mate to bond and for pleasure and that every sexual encounter must produce an offspring. What a sad, victorian and antiquated way of thinking.

  42. Wow, nothing gets the blood pumping so fast as a good ol’ cat fight over abortions & Jesus?

    There were a lot of good points made on both sides, but every one seems to be missing the big picture: the presidency is NOT about passing laws that take away our Constitutional rights, it is NOT about one man moulding American society according to some ancient texts based on any one religious belief system… it is NOT about racism, sexism, or any other “ism”… the presidency is about PUBLIC SERVICE and preservation of our Democracy. The president is supposed to protect our freedoms and the rights of all to enjoy those freedoms. Yes, even when faced with the threat of terrorism.

    These arguments about God can go on until the end of time, and the real truth is, Nobody here is a god, Nobody here has the right to force his or her will onto anyone else, and it is not in the best interest of the public to have this in-fighting over moral issues. Morality is not something to be governed. Morality is a personal matter. It is wrong to impose on other people’s lives… and our bodies are our personal property. If we lose sight of these truths we are going to implode and fall like the Roman Empire, with Nero idly fiddling.

    We the People are supposed to select the best candidate for the job, and I think it isn’t too much to ask that that person should know what that job is. Sarah Palin is not running for president, she’s been thrust into this political arena as a possible vice president who does not understand what that job entails. It is pretty clear to me, that no one really expects her to obtain it.

    Another truth: McCain didn’t select Sarah Palin. He never even met her before the Party tapped her for the 2nd chair. With her extremely radical right-wing views, whacky flip-flopping, lies and hypocrisy and complete lack of qualifications, she is clearly a set up for the position of America’s SCAPEGOAT.

    When the Republicans look at themselves on November 5th they will want to blame somebody for McCain’s failure to secure the White House, and that person will be Sarah Palin. John McCain will not be subject to ridicule in any fashion… he’s a war hero, remember? To blame him would be bad form. But they CAN BLAME HER. She was too pushy, she was too controvercial, she wasn’t Pro-life she was Anti-Choice. (A pro-lifer shouldn’t go around shooting animals for sport, afterall, they have lives too, don’t they deserve respect?) They can say that Republicans are not mysoginists because they picked a female for the ticket; that’ll come in handy the next time they pick 2 men for the primaries. She fits the bill to a tee.

    And if for some totally incredible, unfounded and unrealistic reason McSame & Palin do emerge victoriously, the Reps have the prestige of claiming to have made history, something they would LOVE to take away from the Democrats.

  43. thank you freedom fighter…what you said is all I am trying to say. That in a democratic society, no one has the right to impose their veiwpoints and will on another. I respect their pro-life views and just want my pro-choice views respected.

    I think there is something in their bible that says they are supposed to police and convert for their god and Jesus. I guess they really take that to heart. It is unfortunate and disturbing.

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