
At first I thought Sarah Palin was some kind of Republican pandering – a misguided attempt to woo Hillary voters over to the dark side, as if they believed women voters were so stupid that they would vote for anyone in skirt, but now I see that she is much, much worse.

I have nothing against hockey moms – I just don’t want to be one. If Sarah Palin had her way, she would take away that right not to be a mom. She wants to outlaw abortion – so to call her a feminist is as laughable as calling evangelicals ‘Christians.’ They shouldn’t have the right to call themselves Christian, for they have no Christ-like attributes. I am a feminist and a Christian – and when I see Sarah Palin – I see neither. And it is official. She is evil. I saw on Violet Blue’s awesome blog that Sarah Palin forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic exams.

This is serious and bad.

150 thoughts on “Palin

  1. Yep. I posted about that in my own Livejournal yesterday. It sickened me. I’ve always been pro-choice, but when I gave birth to a daughter eight years ago, it got personal.

    I just cannot understand a woman in power who is so POINTEDLY anti-woman. She isn’t even sneaky about it, it’s blatant. She is anti-woman in every sense of the phrase.

    It baffles me.

    Oh, hi, btw. First time commenter and all.

  2. Yeah, I live in Alaska…And it’s a big thing up here…Things like this don’t happen up here. Yeah, we we’re celebrating for a bit, then the novelty wore off..
    At first we we’re like:
    We didn’t pay attention at first..
    The minute she opened her mouth a lot of us we’re like, “Ummm…”
    So by now I would imagine the hooblah about Mrs. Palin has wore out…and we can view her candidacy with a clear pair of glasses now…
    It’s obivous McCain chose Palin to try and win the election. A bit ignorant and quite insulting if you ask me…
    You’ve made the points earlier.
    I could go on, but I won’t. No Need.

    Everything about her is jus so…annoying and gross.
    OBAMA 08!

  3. I think it’s bad too. But I think our response, instead of focusing on her, should be to say, again and loudly, why we’re supporting Obama in this race. Stay positive. Let them sink lower while we keep our heads up.

  4. I think the choice of Palin was well calculated by McCain based on what he learned watching Rove/Bush beat him in 2000. Bush co-opted his change message back then by adding “change–with results.” In one bold stroke, McCain solidified his base, added back his “Maverick” luster which he had so tarnished, distracted everyone with a woman who’d appeal to the working class conservative-leaning people and simultaneously inoculated his campaign from too much criticism of his pick because he can use the sexism card. Reigniting the culture war is his ace in the hole and his ambition is such that he sold out every ounce of integrity he had to play it. The old McCain would have gone with his heart and picked Lieberman or Ridge. the new McCain is pandering to the cultural conservatives. Now he’s hiding behind Palin’s skirts and using her to draw the crowds that formerly he couldn’t.

    We only play into his game if we focus too much on Palin and especially if we focus at all on her personal life. I say keep it on the issues–yes her position on not funding rape kits is a valid point–but keep most of the focus on McCain, how he’s changed from his maverick days, how in synch he still is with Bush on every issue that matters, and why Obama is the best possible choice at this crucial moment in our history.

    If we start ignoring Palin for the most part and let the media do the investigating of her record, the shiny newness will start to fade and attention can return to important issues like the economy, the war, and energy policy. Gas is likely to go up again as the refineries in the gulf are being flooded by Ike. That is going to refocus people’s attention on their wallets. That’s a good thing for us!

  5. There’s a good article about it here.

    This is the first that I’ve heard about it because the media is focusing on her knocked up kid, and lipstick on a pig comments.
    Yes, she is evil and people voted her in.

    And the sharpest Democratic candidate who had the most popular votes, won the big swing states, who beat McCain in the poll was railroaded out of the nomination, then left off the ticket, and the democrats will loose to these lunatics as every poll prior to the election showed that they would.
    Yes, that’s stupid and arrogant.

    Holy freakin’ fuck.

  6. I have to agree with you Margaret. The bitch is crazy and scary. I just pray that for all of us we don’t have to suffer thru 4 years of her “nails on a chalkboard” voice. Ugh. Her politics horrible. I’m not gay but the fact that she’s anti gays and pro choice makes me retch.

    Have you seen this?! I just love this video.

    Oh btw, I’ve been watching the new show. LOVE IT! You make me have full belly laughs. Saw in Norfolk, VA (Norva) in February too. I swear I’m your Vietnamese twin.
    Love ya!

  7. I know, I understand, however lets keep our focus on what we want “OBAMA 08” The more we focus on the crazy shit that McCain & Palin put out there or the creepy stuff they stand for it could shift us away from our focus “OBAMA 08″ I’m glad we hear the bull that McCain & Palin talk about because it makes us say” I DO NOT WANT THAT” Then we can bring our focus back to want we want “OBAMA 08”. I have a strong feeling we are on a path toward a great new America, some say I’m a dreamer, I smile at that knowing that dreams do come true. OBAMA 08 OBAMA 08 OBAMA 08

    I love you Margaret, you are a great voice for alot that is going on. Thank you oxoxox Skot

  8. The only title that I see as fitting for her is ice queen. The Rebluberains will use all their powers in order to whitewash her as being good. But I see the general public not falling for it and will say no to her. SEND HER BACK TO ALASKA WHERE SHE BELONGS!

  9. Palin was a shrewd choice, namely because she fits a checklist of all the things McCain needed to win back the many people in this country he has alienated. But she’s also a great diversion from the real issue, which is that McCain as President is the scariest thing since Bush was re-elected. If we spend all our time talking about Palin and her various failings, we’re not focusing on the real problem, which is McCain.

  10. I managed to watch Palin’s speech after wrestling with a friend who’s all for her.

    I had to see what my friend saw in Palin.

    I still don’t know what she sees, I see NOTHING in Palin.

    She talked about how great she was because she sold the Governor’s jet on Ebay and how she got rid of her personal chef, big whooooopppp.

    Then she talked about how much care handicapped children need.

    Doesn’t she have a ‘down syndrom’ child?

    It is important that special needs children get the care they need, but this is a state issue not a presidential issue Imo.

    She also talked about how McCain spent time in a POW camp but that’s all she said about him.

    She yapped about change, and energy plans, but is still for big oil, who’s she kidding?

    She had NO energy plan, she just mentioned it, end of story.

    And McCain is hiding behind a skirt so he can win the women over that were disappointed by Hillary losing to Obama.

    I’m sorry, but we can’t have this.

    Another four years of republican stupidity and I’m gonna barf.

  11. In reading some of these other comments I am remembering that we all should focus on McSame’s voting record. Google it (or if you want the sum up version go to my blog). It will blow your mind what he voted against. Tell anyone you can think of to check his VOTING RECORD.

  12. I tried to be impartial as well and watched both of her interviews with Charles Gibson. What I hoped would happen was that she would be more than articulate, that she could show that she knows more shit than me. I don’t know didley about NATO and foreign policy, but she showed me that neither does she. She proved to me that behind every unqualified politician is a great speech writer. Basically, I know she can read a teleprompter, she can see a tip of Russia from her backyard, and she sucks at answering unscripted questions.


    And why is she is getting praised for being a working mother raising 5 kids? If you have 5 kids, your ass SHOULD work!!

  13. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I would like to submit a television treatment for a new show that I truly believe Ms. Cho would be perfect to host.

    I will not go into great detail, just know that I have created successful treatments for television shows for both Jay Alexander of America’s Next Top Model and Wendy Williams (Wendy Williams Show) and would seriusly like for Ms. Cho to take a look at my treatment.

    Please let me know where I could send this information for Ms. Cho’s immediate review and consideration.

    Best regards,

    Malcolm Harris

  14. I keep saying to my partner there is no way they will win. Aren’t the American People smart enough to see through all the lies. Perhaps she thinks that women who are dumb enough not to carry a gun with them at all times should have to pay for their own rape kits. I am very disappointed that the media is not focusing in on her church affiliations as they did with Obama early on. I’m going to stay positive and know that we cannot sustain another 4 years of a Republican leader.

  15. Unbelievable! You state “if Sarah Palin had her way, she would take away the right to NOT be mom”. Umm….you already have that right – it’s not called abortion, it’s called birth control!

  16. If evangelicals shouldn’t call themselves Christian because they are not at all “Christ-like”, I hardly think that you’re able to call yourself a Christian for you have minimal Christ-like attributes.

  17. for the last 8 years, i’ve just waited to see who all you celebritards are for, and go the other way.

    the best tactic for you to take is act, create personal scandal, sew, sing, etc. it’ll confuse the **** out of the rest of us. then you’ll have a 50/50 chance of us voting for who you’re voting for.

  18. Oy we are in trouble if the stupid”white women” of this world go out and vote for this excuse for a female. She is not a feminist. She is taking the woman’s movement back a century. She is not a moral woman, I think most people that sit in judgment of others are not moral persons. They are not christians. I am sure that God is thinking “what the hell was I thinking giving these morons free will”. These hateful God awful people who preach hate and spew evil things on a day to day basis. I am sure they will get their just deserts at those pearly gates, but man we need to stop them here and now. As a woman I am embarrassed to be associated with Sarah Palin simply by being a woman. Stop the hate and promote the peace people!

  19. >>>>>>>”Unbelievable! You state “if Sarah Palin had her way, she would take away the right to NOT be mom”. Umm….you already have that right – it’s not called abortion, it’s called birth control!”<<<<<<<<

    Explain to me how rape victims are supposed to use birth control? Or what about the fact that no birth control is 100% effective? Perhaps you are the result of abstinence-only education that Sarah Palin supports, despite the fact that her own daughter is a walking example of how that doesn’t work.

  20. I agree QT! Who is she to say what evangelicals should call themselves? Especially when she holds herself out to be a Christian?

    Jesus commanded his followers to “love their neighbor as they love themselves” – without judgment, without malice, without hatred. The venom that Margaret Cho has for Sarah Palin is unfair and outrageous! I think it is fine to disagree with someone on practically all issues – but the whole argument is weakened (as is her own character) when she resorts to calling them “evil”! How very un-Christlike her behavior is!

  21. Pingback: Cho On This |
  22. She might not be what you agree with , but as we are all christians we shouldnt judge and call someone evil because she doesnt believe in killing babies..isnt that anti evil?

  23. Margaret, you are perpetuating a fraud on your readers, and to claim it is true because you saw it at someone’s “awesome blog” is ridiculous.

    Sarah Palin never required rape victims to pay for their own exams. The fact is, there was a law in effect that attempted to bill the insurance company for the cost. She neither wrote it nor voted for it. When it was changed, she didn’t vote against the change. There is no evidence that even 1 victim was ever charged a penny for any exam or treatment.

    You are allowing yourself to look a fool, much like Matt Damon who apparently heard about a parody that was written about Palin and dinosaurs. Rather than check the validity of that claim, he made a rant fill video showing just how uninformed he is.

    If you are against Palin, stick to pointing out things that bother you that are actually true. Relying on absurd, and previously disproven, stories like this only weaken your arguments.

    I hadn’t realize that the definition of ‘feminist” and “pro-women” has been narrowed to only include those who are pro-abortion. Perhaps NOW ought to publicize that in a new charter.

  24. The fact that you call yourself a Christian is laughable. The Cho Show is an excellent example of that. Margaret, examine your own behavior before pointing the finger at others because for every finger you point there are three more pointing back at you.

  25. For a group that claims to be so supremely tolerant – you sure have a BIG issue with anyone who disagrees with you.

    Pro-choice is not the end-all-be-all definition of a feminist.

  26. The Gibson-Palin interview says it all. She literally could be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and seems poised to lead us into World War III. Her canned responses to Gibson’s softball questions were laughable–from her complete ignorance of the Bush doctrine to her “worldly” travels to Canada and Mexico.

    Perhaps what is most irksome about Sarah Palin is her disdain for education. Unlike Palin, I actually would like someone with a Columbia/Harvard resume leading the country. Last I checked, being highly educated does not mean you’re elitist. It means you’re smart.

  27. I am Evangelical, why am I not a Christian? This is the first I’ve heard of this. You should probably know what you’re talking about before you spread your ignorance. We spurred from Protestant beliefs. Are you claiming Protestants aren’t Christian? Look at all you stupid lambs following her over the cliff. Educate yourself before you follow blindly.

  28. …kinda weird when you keep referring to yourself as “Christian” yet advocating abortions. i think the two terms are mutually exclusive… “thou shall not kill?” ever come to mind?

  29. Margaret ~
    Jesus was a devout and perfect Jew, who followed the law. He taught that slavish devotion to that law for “legalism’s” sake was not what God wanted. He taught that the law was good because it forced a believer to look to Him and depend on Him. On the topic of abortion, the only time that God calls for the death penalty for a person in the case of an accident, is in defense of an unborn child. In Exodus 21, if men quarreling cause harm to a pregnant woman that cause her to miscarry, God calls for “a life for a life” in the case of this accident. We are left with the conclusion that if it is done as purposeful decision, that those who participate are also under the condemnation of the law. It doesn’t mean we can’t be forgiven if we chose to do those things as unbelievers. But as believers of Jesus, we are told 1Peter 3 “to live in harmony with each other, be sympathetic, compassionate and humble” and in the same paragraph “you must turn from evil and do good”. Not because we’re better than anyone but because we all have the same condition of the heart. God wants us to want to do what He told us to do. It means embracing what is right in God’s eyes, even if we don’t like it or it would make our lives easier if we ignored it. We’re not supposed to be having sex outside of marriage, but if we do, we are subject to the consequences of our actions. Inside of marriage is where a child is supposed to be conceived and welcomed.
    As for the “Christianity” of Evangelical Christians, I assume you disagree to a characterization of self-righteous behavior rather than the evangelical call of that denomination. As a christian, we are aware of the great commission given to us by Jesus, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” As an evangelical christian, I am not supposed to be self-righteous. I am no better than anyone. As a human being, we’ve been given a sense of humor and not told not to take ourselves too seriously. But as a christian, we are told to call something what it is if it is sinful. That doesn’t mean we don’t sin but we are not supposed to embrace it as ok or just a part of the normal day to day.
    I enjoy your comedy and respect your opinion in politics as your own. I think we could all do with a lot more “love your neighbor as yourself” attitude. But we are not all called to the same thing in life.

  30. I loved this! So many things that needed to be said. Loved what you said about evangelicals calling themselves Chrstians! I am a believer too, and some of the people that say they are with out wanting to live it, well… grinds my gears as peter griffin would say. Anyways, thanks for using your Public Voice for good!

  31. I’m sorry, but a Christian does not use words like “evil” when referring to someone and/or writing hateful things about them. I very well agree that Palin is not fit for presidency, but as far as pro-choice + Christianity, cmon. I am as liberal as they get, but your claims are not good.

    And as far as your claims on “evangelical Christians,” as every other religion and/or denomination, people have put a bad spin to it (many of the self-proclaimed, as well). A true evanglical Christian does not do things out of hate, but believes that eternal life is far more important then life on earth. I have never even heard of people laughing at the word “evangelical” and “christian” combined.

    And lastly, I think ANY woman could find it in themselves to agree, that you CAN be a feminist without advocating pro-abortion. Are they circumstances with abortion where I can see the argument in it being “ok,” absolutely! But I am by all means a believer in women – however, I do not see abortion as a suitable alternative.

  32. Wow Margaret…I guess that is the end of watching your show. Which is to bad, I actually thought you were funny. However, I am a woman, a mother, and a evangelical Christian. I am anti-abortion as well. So according to you, that makes me evil. I am confident that what you said about me is called discrimination.

  33. If you don’t want to be a mom, and preserve your right to such, use birth control…before getting to the point where you’d have to consider having an abortion. Seems pretty simple to me.

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