The Cho Show: Episode 1 Online Now!

If you want a sneak peek of the first episode of “The Cho Show,” please go here…

Also, Saturday night I am going to go see Garrison Starr at The Mint so if you are in LA, come down and hang out!!

69 thoughts on “The Cho Show: Episode 1 Online Now!

  1. My boyfriend and I have totally been going through Margaret Cho withdrawl!!! This is SO what we needed!! Not so sure about VH1, but totally look forward to the show making it to DVD!!!

  2. I am thrilled to see that you are back on tv kicking ass! Looking forward to your reality series and seeing you at the Ontario Improv this month!

  3. This show looks absolutely amazing Margaret. Congratz to you and I hope you hold on tight to your panties gurl, cause you about to be flung into some kind of Super Star Icon.
    I love you tons and my eyes will be glued to that TV screen every God Damn Thursday night to watch you do what you do best….make me smile!

  4. Margaret Margaret Margaret!
    good to have you back on tv and still doing your thing and not changing for anyone! i can’t wait for your new show and i will be taping every episode. wait, people don’t do that anymore, they dvr and shit.

    and post more when you’ll be out and about in LA so i can fangirl over you! i’ve lived in LA my whole life and never see celebrities, give me a freakin break! :p


  5. I got my little gay panties all in a wad, because since I saw “Beautiful” last week, I have been aching for the Cho Show. Of course I found out that I have to work on the night of the first episode – but hey look there’s this internet thing, and now I can see it! Your show is gonna rock! Yeah I know some people are probably saying ‘damn why doesnt the bitch DVR it ‘ well I’m way down in the South, and yeah we do have a VCR but that’s only used for porn. So there. Margaret – I love you! I wish you all the best, and can’t wait to see you turn into a superstar. Of course if those crotch shots get out – it’s all downhill from there – you said it yourself – good idea to start the show with that!

  6. Margaret,
    You NEED to use a different format to upload these clips, we can’t view them up in Canada!! Toronto still loves you, even though we missed you at this year’s Pride Week! You shoulda been there!! Come back soon!

  7. FINALLY WE GET TO SEE YOUR BROTHER!!!! This was really funny. Are we ever gonna see what your hubby looks like? Margaret you’re a goddess.

  8. Wish we could see the videos up here in Canada, Margaret – they are blocked for anywhere outside the U.S. thanks to your country’s new copyright laws. I guess VH1 doesn’t intend for Canadians to see you.

  9. MORAN! 😀

    Longtime fan. Love you and think you are one of the brightest, funniest, ballsiest comics out there. Good luck. I’m rooting for you.

  10. hey margaret! we love you in London too… and we can’t see these uploads either- but I don’t mind because I’m going to hunt for it on you tube and i know i’ll have a good laugh.
    (Doesn’t canada have youtube?)- improvise!

    ps- i don’t see any dates for “beautiful” anywhere in Europe- is it not on the plans yet or is NOT happening at all?

  11. i should be working, but instead i watched the whole f**king show … it’s awesome and fun, and i’m so proud of folks like cho and bobby lee repping asian americans in comedy. i feel bad for watching it online, though, ’cause i’m want it rated well — so, VH1, please add a +1 to your master list of folks watching and digging “THE CHO SHOW.”

  12. I saw the show….

    The korean community will always accept you, so don’t worry to much about that. You have to keep in mind that they will quick to lynch you, if you do and say things that will misrespresent both yourself, as well as them…

    The motherhood moment was a soft and emotional. I hope you will make your babies soon, and fully accept and embrace motherhood…..


  13. I LOVED the show and you, missy. I HATE that when you then, want to see more and check out the VH1 site, each clip is begins with an irritating commercial. and you can’t fast forward past it! Congrats on the show! Said Hitchcock to Bacall, “Have a faulty stocking!”

  14. I LOVED the first episode of the Cho Show and I’m looking foward to future epsidoes.

    I remember watching “American Girl” back in ’94 when I was 12 years old… if by “American Girl” they mean not being yourself to assimilate to American ideals of beauty… then, yeah? I’m sorry for any hardship you went through at the time, but now you’ve paved the way and been kicking ass ever since!

    Congratulations on the “Korean of the Whole Universe” Award! Your fucking awesome and I’d love to have drinks with you and Bobby Lee someday!

  15. OMG! So glad I have this show now… I have been going through a really rough time lately missing my mom (I know this sounds weird bare with me) she was a fag hag through and through, lover of strangeness gayness (is that a word?) and beautifulness just like you! She taught me to love everything but with her own little twist on what was gorgeous and fabulous! She died in December 2003 I know she would have loved this show! I broke out into tears listening to you say “every dog has it’s day and every diva has her gay” because I could just hear her cracking up but totally nodding her head and clapping. I am so tired of seeing the same old bullshit on tv that they are always trying to shove down our throats… I like weird in fact I love it and lately my life has just been a little too white bread for my taste… thank you so much for bringing just a little of my old self back you are so fucking awesome for just being you! No one is perfect but who fucking wants that anyway! Thank you again! I’ll be watching every week!

  16. Margaret! your show is so excellent! it should be longer! hahaha. but I wanted to let you know that it was very touching, I actually cried more than I laughed but it felt great! Your parents are the cutest things EVER EVER.

    also I wanted to ask you if you prefer being called a fag hag to a fairy godmother, or your even better- the fag whisperer? whats the most appropriate?

    anyway, you are starting to rule the world and you deserve it! but you should come to Albany, NY too…we have a lot of gays here!

  17. So wonderful! YAY you have a show – and it’s not a sitcom. Woot!

    Your mom and dad are lovely! And so are your gays and your surrogate baby assistant sister sommalier. Awesome.

    Can’t wait to see more!

    And that girl at the end… was dead on.

  18. Interesting Margaret. I actually liked it a lot. I remember when you used to be totally political on your blog and bitchy. It seems that you’ve dropped some of those chips on your shoulders which is good.

    I wish you well, and btw, I am a Republican, but I became one after living in SF for almost 30 years. I started out being an anarcho-feminist.

    I think you could definitely appeal to a lot of people with a show like this. Good luck.

    BTW, I also do not have kids yet, I’m 49 and am still trying. Hopefully we will one day.

  19. Wow! Fucken inspirational. You have a show being your”self,” and you did it by being your self and very unapologetically. Thank you Miss Cho. You are an inspiration for loud funny ethnic ( I’m half Filipino half Jewish) everywhere. And congrats on the award

  20. Hey Margaret, i love you and you’re show. Me and my sister will be watching the entire season without missing any episodes. Hey, what is the name of that song that plays when you and Selene get out of your limo? It goes. “Shes a sunset strippa, a hollywood freak”.
    Thanks I love you too Selene.

  21. That’s awesome that Full Act 4 started out with “Glue Girls” by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin playing in the background. I love that band. You rock.

  22. Thanks Sarah W! That song really jumped out at me, but I didn’t see anything about the music in the closing credits. I listened to more of their tracks at Itunes also has a bunch more! Margaret has really good taste in music. Maybe they’ll be on her show one day!

  23. Hi Margaret! This is Jack and his husband George here. We had to stop watching MSNBC- PRISON LOCK UP (EXTENDED STAY) to rewatch your reality show debut.

    LIVING LOHAN and those other E! Reality shows can shove rhinestones up in their asses, because your show is WAY BETTER! You touched on so many issues in one episode! We need to se some mo’ girls of color like you instead some 13 year white girl lookin like a hooker recording her 198th album! (ok, obviously, I watched that crap, but I will stop from now on).

    We LOVE YOU!!!

    When is the next episode!!!!!!!!

    We cant wait.

  24. Saw the first ep and it’s so funny! I was sad when they cxld An American Girl but glad you came up with this and on your own terms! Hollywood execs can go hump themselves (they probably do, too!).

    Ur parents remind me of mine – they’re funny w/o meaning to be!

  25. What is the name of the song that is playing when you get out of the limo with your assistant ….it says something about being a hollywood stripper….

  26. Hey Margaret!!! Just wanted to say I LOVE YOU!!! and you are the best! I missed you’re first episode, even though I had a reminder on my cell. But, thanks to this website, I am caught up! Can’t wait til 2morrow for the 2nd episode. I’m going to be glued to the tv every thursday night now! I wanted to tell you too, I have a Korean co-worker, who just recently came to the U.S. a few years ago, and she knows you and LOVES YOU TOO!!!! When I mentioned you, she had this huge smile across her face, and started laughing. I’ll have to take her with me to one of your shows. I wish you the best in all you do, and would love to see you more out there! Especially with the comedy shows. I met you at the LA Gay and Lesbian Center, and was just so excited to meet you, I forgot what to say to you. But thank you for all you do, and standing up for Same Sex Marriages. Maybe you’ll come to my girlfriend’s and mine in a year! =)

  27. awesome show margaret. i think you’re so funny and i’m so proud of you!! and don’t get it twisted, koreans do love you….

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