Vote for Let Me Borrow That Top

Hey guys – check it out!

Let Me Borrow That Top” has been nominated in the Comedy category for the ’07 YouTube Awards!

Please vote. Here’s the link:

Voting ends today!

2 thoughts on “Vote for Let Me Borrow That Top

  1. I have voted daily! I actually saw “Kelly” for the first time on that awards page (someone else asked me to vote for his video in another category), and I thought the song hilarious.

  2. Hey there Margaret! I just saw you on Ellen and you so hilarious!! I have been a fan of yours since I was a little kid because my parents love you, so they passed that down to me. I looked at your tour scheduale and you will not be coming to Oklahoma City?! Why not?! I would love to see you live! I think you should add that to your tour dates.

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