I’m Bi-Candidate

I am in the closet.

Not sexually of course, because anyone who knows me knows I am up for anything with anybody. I take all comers. I am an equal opportunity destroyer. So, I am not in that kind of closet. I am in the Democratic Primary closet. I know a lot of people in this closet. We can’t talk about it. We are “undecided” in the polls. We are the ones everyone is fighting over. But I don’t want to be in this closet, not anymore. I am outing myself.

I am bi-candidate. I like Hillary and Obama. I like Obama and Hillary. I think it is wonderful that we have not just one, but two great candidates to choose from. It is an embarrassment of riches really. Not just one amazing politician. But two! We have the incredibly exciting Barack Obama, who represents hope and change and who can get a whole generation of disillusioned voters excited about politics again, which I think I is a miracle in itself. Then we have the amazing Hillary Clinton, who has already proved herself to be a great leader, who can and will clean up after the Bush administration just like she did the last time she was President.

I can’t decide. And so I don’t want to tell anyone who I voted for because almost exactly half my friends are into Hillary and the other half are all about Obama, so no matter who I vote for, half my ass will get kicked, which should be ok, because at least I will have the other half of my ass to use for campaigning for my favorite candidate (even though it might look half-assed).

I voted last week, several days early, since I am a permanent absentee voter and have the luxury of voting in the privacy of my own home in my own time. I picked the candidate that I liked best, the one who I thought would do the best job. I filled in my bubble all the way, using blue ink to represent my blue state of mind and put my ballot in the mail. Then, I got worried I had made the wrong choice. I kept thinking about going back into the mailbox and fishing out my ballot and changing it. I really thought about doing this even though it is very illegal! I thought, hmm, maybe if I took a coathanger, stretched it out, secured a small flashlight with tape to the wire so I could find my ballot, put a piece of chewed gum on the end so I could somehow fish my ballot out, etc… I think I got all these ideas from an old episode of “The Little Rascals.” Then I realized that even if I broke the law and went to all this trouble to do this it probably wouldn’t do me any good anyway because I had already filled in one bubble and I couldn’t really erase it to fill in the other one. Then, what would happen if I changed my mind again? So I just left it.

The only way I could be happy is if Obama and Clinton were on the same ticket. Please God, let this happen.

This entry is cross-posted on The Huffington Post.

11 thoughts on “I’m Bi-Candidate

  1. as much as that would be great i think both have too much of an ego to be on the same ticket with one another…though i can see John Edwards (whom i personally like) being on one of their tickets though so hey not all is lost and hey Gravel is still around!

  2. Exactly. Nearly every blog I visit – voters are torn. Gay, straight, trans, black, white, male, female…. we are all saying the same thing, “I don’t KNOW.” Funny how no one I know is voting Republican. I mean, even my ancient, mega-conservative mother-in-law is considering Obama. Really!

    We haven’t had primaries yet (Ohio). When it comes up, I may just flip a coin. Sounds horrible but I literally change my mind on a daily basis depending on what I read or who talk to. Which is why I said a long time ago that those two need to go in on one ticket. I have a gut feeling that this will actually happen. I really believe it. I NEED to believe it. I think they can overcome their differences (their differences really aren’t THAT big… they are just bickering for politics’ sake).

    On another note, Margaret, you are just like me. PANSEXUAL. Say it with me, it’s a beautiful word! I love souls… I love people and their bodies with all variations of gender. I get amazingly hot for many people from Angelina Jolie to Justin Bond to David Duchovny to Ian Harvie. Gender is beautiful, amazing fluid thing and I’m so happy people are starting to understand that now. (And thank you for helping to build awareness of that, too!!)

  3. My part Korean wife, who threatened to divorce me if I voted for Nader last election, was perfectly cordial as she filled in her bubble for Hillary and I, Cleveland Jewboy that I am, filled in my bubble for Obama. We’d like a joint ticket, too. If one must use a sexual metaphor, we’d like to see Hillary and Barak sleeping with each other, with Bill on a little pallet at the foot of the bed.

    Continuing the other note, if you take all comers, and you do have an SO still?, does that mean you practice polyamory or adultery? And I’m a comer. Take me!


  4. Thank you so much for making it all so clear! I’m Bi too!

    So much so that I’ve started a movement — ok, it’s just a website at this point, but I can dream — with the catch phrase:

    What’s better than having Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in the White House for 8 years? Hillary Clinton AND Barack Obama in the White House for 16 years!

    It just makes so much sense to me. These two candidates are too good for either of them to lose this year. But together they can win in 2008. And 2012, 2016, and 2020. Imagine the possibilities!

    Please visit http://www.16yearplan.com and spread the word!

  5. Both on the same ticket- that would be amazing. Every time I think I am going to finally just be on Hillary’s side, I listen to Obama and fall in love with his speeches. I don’t care who you are, republican or democrat, clintonite or obamafan, you can’t deny that that man can speak, ie his New Hampshire speech that has gone crazy with the yeswecansong.com

  6. It’s funny living in Washington, DC- you hear all of this stuff first- and people have been suggesting that Clinton & Obama get on the same ticket- that would make a lot of sense. ( not just because it would make it easier for me, the DC primary is right around the corner- and I have NO IDEA who Im’ voting for) On one hand, you’ve got Hillary, her record on gay rights- BUT on the same token, she voted for the Iraq war. (shudder) On the other hand, You’ve got Obama, who wants to invade Iran. Both Candidates want to include Universal Health care- which is a really good thing. The one thing that all of my friends (gay and straight) aggree on is that the truly frightening thing is the possibility of a McCain Presidency (shuddering even harder) If Clinton & Obama team up- (and that’s one big if) who would take the lesser office? can either one of them can (or will) compromise for the benefit of the country -or wind up getting into a pissing match with each other- remains to be seen. If they can look past personal differences- and follow the example set by Representative Murtha an Speaker Pelosi- than what we will be witnessing will be an unprecented moment in American History. Personally- I will probably wind up throwing my vote in with the candidate that recieves the party nomination. While I am an independent, I vote (strongly) democrat.

  7. Gosh Margaret, I’m a Bi-Candidate too! And yes, I think the Democratic Party has already spoken, and you know how us looney lefties are — we are ALL Bi-Candidates, and we have basically demanded BOTH! Oh gee, I don’t know which candidate should be the President and which one should be the Vice President. Maybe they could switch off, and take turns at it. In fact, I saw the one-on-one debate where they both sounded like they really liked each other. Oh My God! I think Barack and Hillary are Bi-Candidates too!!!

  8. I won’t beat around the Bush (so to speak). I’m for Hillary, loud and proud. My reason is policy, and frankly the sexism I feel has gone a little rampant doesn’t hurt. Really I’m with Gloria Steinem. I want to hear Chris Mathews “President Hillary,” “Madam President Hillary Clinton” A lot of people say she isn’t likable, but that just makes me like her more. Its like, I want the biggest bitch in the world in charge, period.

  9. I completely agree. I look back to the last election and it was all so hopeless. Now we have two amazing politicians! Being such, they’re surely both secretly dreadful people, but at least they’re exciting candidates.

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