3 thoughts on “Diana Yanez

  1. hey diva! I just love you, check your blog almost everyday. Diana Yanez is so beautiful and hilarious.
    I couldn’t beleive it when I found out that not only do I share the same birthday as Madonna but august 16 is also margaret cho day in san fran! It really is the gayest day every!!

  2. Hey GUYS!!!!

    hi Margaret πŸ˜‰

    I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much okay i said it … just want to wish you luck and a lot of energy for your new show .. and please don’t ever forget that you make us smile , you make us feel lighter .

    your shows are the best therapy against routine and sadeness

    one of your habibis made in Tunisia πŸ˜‰

  3. Love this blog and the back stage feel of it all. I am so inspired by your work … your passion for expressing yourself fully in the world. You are a MUSE for me. Everytime I visit this blog I get a new idea or a way to look at the world or some place to not take my life too seriously and get out and play. Thank you for that.

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