Birthday Poem

Look, my friend, the great comic Holly Bruckner wrote a birthday poem for me! aw shucks!!!

From: Holly Bruckner
Date: December 2, 2006
To: MargaretCho
Subject: Margaret a poem in your honor

So I was bored and I decided to write you a birthday poem. I hope you like it.

Margaret you are the coolest person on Earth
You’re like so much better than penis girth
You make me laugh till I pee
Whenever you talk about your pussy
You’re so talented- you can rap and you can dance
And even better you take a stance
You fight for the issues that matter most
Scaring the republicans like they’ve seen a ghost
Now you work for good vibrations- that’s so neat
Now I’ll think of you when my man’s about to skeet
You’re like the biggest inspiration in my life
Well…you and Paul McCartney’s soon to be Ex-wife
I mean…damn I should fuck and marry an old man for his cash
But then again I’m not gutter-trash
Oh I’m sorry I lost track for a second there
Anyways thank you for doing and saying what you dare
You’re a hero to me and plenty more
Because you hate Bush- I can’t believe he won again in 04
But you’re right at least we know where all the stupid people are
A color coded map of the states where you can’t find a gay bar
Where marriage is an exclusive right
Where they rather put an idiot into office than give into the homo plight
They won that battle- but we will when the war, in time
As we speak the ladder of equality we slowly climb
Thanks to your courage and support
One day everyone’s marriage will be legal in the eyes of the court
Not only the straight
Anyways you’re fucking great!

Happy Birthday

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