“Let’s Roll”

I am getting lots of email that are like this.

“Whooo-hoo!!! We won!!!!

It just goes to show how incredibly dumb the Bush voters are. They are not treating this like an election, with many lives at stake with a full blown war being fought by our kids in Iraq; cataclysmic errors in national security causing our civil liberties to be severely crippled; too great a divide between the haves and the have-nots culminating in the worst economic situation in nearly eight decades; the threat to women’s rights by insane religious fanatics seeking to ban abortion and therefore do away with equality; the aberration of freedom that is the Federal Marriage Amendment and the dehumanization of gay and lesbian Americans, etc, etc, etc. They are acting like it is some kind of sporting event, like their team won, and they are going to celebrate by doing beer bongs and hanging each other outside hotel windows by their big, stupid, un- evolved webbed feet. They see America like a giant tailgate party, and they are getting ready for the big game with Al-Quaeda.

Unfortunately, this is not an action film, and therefore, having the Terminator on your side is no advantage. Might does not equal right, just as we must awaken to the hard, cold realization that majority should not rule. The majority is responsible for slavery, denying women and minorities the vote, Japanese internment, segregation, lynching and a million other injustices and inhumanities. Fortunately, this majority is one by a very small margin. I encourage everyone who is distressed by the outcome of the election to remember that just because Bush is still in office does not mean that his power will be increased. He is going to have a harder time doing anything, because he knows that everyone is watching and waiting for him to make a mistake, of which there will be countless many.

Bush knows that people are terribly disappointed by his win, and that is really hilarious. It is an empty victory, because now he’s got to attempt to steer the nation out of the muddy ditch he drove us into, and he will just be spinning his wheels while we stand by and laugh our Democrat asses off. Seriously, Bush is so fucked I hope he is popping lots of amyl nitrate and practicing Lamaze breathing. If we just don’t allow ourselves to sit back and let the only-just-barely-majority rule, then we have the advantage. Everything they try to do can be shot down like a shotput, because we are watching. We are everywhere and we know that now. It is an exciting time, and I have to say I am thrilled at the possibilities, because now what is in front of us is the big show where the Bush administration goes down on themselves and their constituency Bangkok style.

I love getting hate mail, because it makes me see exactly the mentality of the idiots I am dealing with. It is no challenge to outsmart them. It is just hard to comprehend how stupid they actually are. All I can say is keep those letters coming. I am not glad that Bush won, but I am glad to watch all those Neanderthals fall flat on their sloping, heavy-browed skulls. You know I am going to Tivo this. Those “Christians” that prayed for Bush to win are going to be praying a lot more in the coming four years because they are going to realize that losing this election will not deter anyone from fighting for what is theirs. The future is up for grabs, because the Bush administration and the people who love them haven’t a clue what to do next. They think it is some big doofus cowboy homecoming game and The 700 Club are thrusting pompoms in the air on the sidelines. They don’t know that this is about life or death. If they did, then they wouldn’t have voted for Bush. But since they did, they are all going down.

Whatever warrior rituals you might have, I suggest that you do them. Whether it is carbo loading or drinking down a dozen raw eggs, putting on warpaint or applying your reddest lipstick, drawing pictures of Republicans on the walls of your cave and stabbing them with your spear, dressing yourself up in animal skins and taking lots of hallucinogens, listening to AC/DC or Public Enemy or Heart cranked up so loud it distorts, come on! “BARRACUDA!!!!!!” Do whatever it takes to get your war on (that’s a good one. read David Rees!) We need soldiers to fight the war at home. We gotta represent our hood, where justice, peace, equality and freedom live. We have a date to rumble with stupidity, ignorance, prejudice, laziness, hatred and greed. Victory is sweet, but revenge is sweeter, and we will know both sooner than we think.

In those fateful words that fake American hero George W. Bush stole from real American hero Todd Beamer to justify the abominable Iraq war, “Let’s roll!”

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