Swaggart Threatens Gays

Jimmy Swaggart expressed a lot of anger and frustration on Canadian TV about the marriage equality issue. He thought the idea of men marrying other men was ludicrous and that he’d never met a man he wanted to marry. Also, he threatened to kill any man that gave him the eye, and that he would “tell God that he died.”

I believe in free speech, and Swaggart has a right to say what he likes, yet it is irresponsible and highly un-Christian to advocate murder and lying to God about it. His words just point to all kinds of crazy. He has a clear and defined history of insanity, with his well documented and odd relationship with a prostitute which caused him to leave his ministry and ask for forgiveness from his congregation. I think that his congregation did forgive him, out of embarrassment and hope that he would shut up if nothing else. I fear that they will not only forgive his last statements, they will echo them and take them as gospel.

People think too simply nowadays. They only need soundbites to sustain them. This is why the anchors on FOX news always create and repeat catchphrases which brainwash and manipulate the masses. For a time, every time they mentioned Michael Moore, they always said, “The man who believes not enough Americans were killed in Iraq.” As if this were his title, his job description. Not only is it untrue, it is actually completely the opposite, but unfortunately the audience that watches and believes Fox News doesn’t feel the need to investigate or challenge what they are told. The ease in which the FOX message is heard and assimilated is the key to their success and may ultimately be the demise of democracy. Isn’t that sad? That stupidity might be the thing that takes America down?

Isn’t it dumb to think that if you killed someone you could hide it from God? That is the scary thing about Swaggart’s statement. It would not take a lot for him to consider ending another man’s life, and he would be able to just tell God that the dude died. What happened to, “Thou shalt not kill,” or “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor?” There is nothing in the Bible that says “Thou shalt not cruise!”

Why does Swaggart get a free ride through sin city? Because God really hates gays too? When did that happen? There have been demands for Swaggart to recant his hateful statements and apologize to the gay community. If he does, it would be a miracle, and it would take more than a miracle to change the minds of those who believe that homosexuality is wrong.

I have a terrible suspicion that you can’t change people’s minds, that even glaringly obvious logic wouldn’t penetrate the hardened heart of one of these false Christians. They are too dumb to fight. They keep bringing God into it, stating and restating that the Bible tells us so, that we are going to hell. They’ve never even really read God’s word in the first place. They just remember the slogans. Christianity has taken a wrong turn somewhere.

There are major problems with the way that bigotry and prejudice is sanctioned by the church. It is at cross purposes with the nature of Christ, which is tolerance and compassion. Since when does the righteous God overrule the loving God? The only way to solve the problem of Christian chaos is to have a true separation of church and state. Only then can we begin to recover from this ecumenical nightmare and get back to the business of democracy.

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