“Hispanics break the TV barrier”

Today, the paper says “Hispanics finally break the TV barrier.” Is that kind of like the sound barrier? Do they go really fast or something? What is the TV barrier? “I can’t see the screen, move your head fool.” Or does it point to something more. I guess that it is true, that we are seeing more Latino faces in the media, but what about Asian faces y’all? I am glad that the diversity is all up 4% and shit, but I am not going to be popping and locking over it just yet. George Lopez has a show, which is called a crossover hit, and he deserves it because he is a funny motherfucker, but it isn’t that his ethnicity is what makes me laugh about him. It has to do with his hair. One time I saw a picture of him and he had a Caesar. I laughed my ass off. I am glad he decided to grow it out. I am proud that he has a good show, and it seems to have some longevity, which is hard to do on network television. It gives me hope that perhaps Asian Americans will one day have that opportunity on television (I know I fucked that up, but it was a decade ago people, and I wouldn’t be good in a sitcom now anyway fool. I am too complex.)

The new show I am very excited about is “LUIS’ starring Luis Guzman which is going to be on Fox. If you do not know his name, you certainly know his face. He was in “Boogie Nights” and “Punch Drunk Love” – and a million other things. He is the kind of actor that you see on screen and you go – “Oh thank God.” Because he is always unfailingly interesting and compelling and sexy and hilarious. There is a stark compassion that he brings to every character he plays, this depth that puts all the other actors to shame. The smallest parts get infused with a great determination. He is in the background, but fuck, that dude is fucking THERE. It is the best thing an actor can do for us – fucking be THERE. If the camera isn’t on their close-up, most actors you can see are far away in their head, on a ranch in Montana or at the Sky Bar or by the pool at the Standard. They are anywhere but in the scene. Luis is 120% in the house. Just take a look at “Punch Drunk Love”, following Barry Egan around the warehouse. He is so concerned, overjoyed Barry has decided to take a vacation. Later, he dons a suit to emulate Barry’s new sense of self worth. These things are never lost on a movie fan such as myself. They may seem miniscule, but these moments are pure Hollywood magic. Remember the name. LUIS GUZMAN. I fucking love that fucking guy.

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