I wrote this song to honor my own past as a sex worker, and to bring love and caring to a profession that is often misunderstood and vilified.

NEW MUSIC: American Myth release 4/29

I am extremely proud to release American Myth. This is an album of anthems and showcases my first efforts as a composer. I made it with my longtime collaborator Garrison Starr and an incredible and inspiring crew of artists. It is my glamorous and glittering tribute to family, comedy, anger, fame, gayness, grief, fat pride, […]


Here’s a fun song I did with Princess Superstar and C Fire Da Rambler. It struck me that we needed an apocalyptic battle rhymes song to deal with the news of the day. My friends and I played dictators through history and Andy my partner shot it all on our phones and edited it on my […]

New Video: Ron’s Got A DUI

This is tribute to the many gay men I have loved and lost, and the perfect relationship between an old gay man and a little girl as I’ve experienced. I wrote this song with Garrison Starr for my new album AMERICAN MYTH which will be out in 2016. The video stars Leslie Jordan who is absolutely magical!