I'm a Lipgloss!

One thing that is floating my boat now – that is so cool I can barely believe it – Kat Von D, whose makeup line features awesome formulations and highly pigmented colors has a brand new lipgloss named after me!!! I couldn’t think of anything more exciting!!! Here it is: It’s called ‘Marg’ and it […]

What part of KO do you not understand?

OK, this is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. The name she had a problem with was Ko. What part of “KO” do you not understand? – Is it the “k” or the “o”? It’s Ko, dummy. You do not need to learn Chinese to say it. Just open your dumb mouth and […]

Silent but Violent

I saw this interview that Billy Bob Thornton gave for this Canadian radio show to promote his band’s new album and he was such a completely scary dad style angry man!!! I actually love Billy Bob too. I think he’s an awesome actor and director and I preferred when Angelina was with him. He’s totally […]

WM3 Update

I just got this from Lorri Davis. Its been such a long and painful journey with the WM3. I want to see them free so badly, as do so many many people. I know the economy is fucked up, things are weird and scary, but think about how much we have compared to these guys. […]

Wanda Sykes!

Here’s me with my favorite comic, Wanda Sykes, in Sacramento on Monday. We did the big marriage equality rally and it was so amazing. Love her!!!

Oh Miley

I am so upset by Miley Cyrus, I think it warrants a song! Miley Cyrus made some chinky eyes Standing behind an Asian guy I don’t know if this should fly As if there wasn’t enough to despise I wasn’t necessarily a fan of Her, her dad, or Hannah Montana I tend to prefer the […]

Personal reflections on a historic moment

From USA Today: I’m thrilled about having Barack Obama as president. It feels like a personal triumph, as I was fortunate enough to have served as a campaign surrogate (hosting events to promote the candidate) during this incredibly exciting year. My parents have never voted, and they always taught me that this was not our […]

Prop 8 The Musical

This is a video I shot last week with some old friends. Jack Black was once a guest star on “All American Girl!” And Kathy Najimy was in “Bam Bam and Celeste” as well as “Two Sisters.” I love the song and the message. Enjoy!


Here is the new video for my protest song! My husband Al directed it and we shot it all on Monday. Ian Harvie and Judd Minter play the Mormons and I think they look hot, and the whole idea behind me playing guitar had to do with that green dress. I thought it looked perfect […]

A Protest Song

I spent the weekend in Cleveland and Cincinnati and it was amazing. Even though some devastating things happened on November 4th, Barack Obama still won, and as I watched the election along with everyone else that day, when I saw that Ohio went for Obama, I said “Yes!!! We got this!!” so I wanted to […]

Join the Impact: Nationwide Protests Against Prop 8 on Saturday!

Hey everyone! I’m going to be in Cincinnati this Saturday for my “Beautiful” show at Taft Theatre, but beforehand I’m gonna be at this rally at City Hall, premiering my “Protest Prop 8” song, playing guitar and everything, so please come down! It’s gonna be awesome. These rallies are NATIONWIDE on Saturday at 1:30pm EST, […]

Keep your Bullshit out of my Sky

The day before Prop 8 passed, someone had paid to have “Yes on 8” written across the sky above West Hollywood. This is so fucking stupid and just the kind of shit you would expect from those idiots. They are just assholes enough to pay a lot of money to pollute the environment both literally […]