Response to Thanksgiving Letter

> Margaret-
> I read the intriguing piece in your blog
> about what you think of Thanksgiving.
> I don’t expect a response, but I’d be
> delighted if you’d care to enlighten me.
> I have a few questions.
> 1. Why do you say that “We” destroyed
> the Indians, when folks like you and I
> had no ancestors on the continent when
> the various Indian nations were
> conquered? And why do you say “We”
> destroyed the Indians, when most or all
> of the destruction was caused by actions
> of the US and various state governments
> in nineteenth century times? How can we
> be guilty of consenting to, allowing, or
> committing any action that occurred
> before we were born?

I like to think of myself of as a Queen and therefore I use the royal “We.” Sorry if you find it obnoxious.

Obviously, we are not directly guilty. How could we be? We were not there. But I think that the responsibility of man and the burden of guilt lies on all humanity, and the way that we celebrate these ‘holidays’ [noticing the Asian surname in his email address] betrays our own minority status in this country, therefore consenting to, allowing and committing – to use your words – actions that occurred before we were born. If it makes you feel better, why don’t we celebrate Pol Pot Day? Give a shout out to the Khymer-Rouge! Haay-hoooo!!!

> 2. Does it seem at all presumptuous to
> you that you are telling people why
> they celebrate Thanksgiving? Does it
> seem presumptuous to you that you
> should be speaking for anyone other
> than yourself?

Yes and no. I am right. I am getting the fact out there that I am absolutely right. I couldn’t be righter. But then anyone may disagree with me, anyone may tell me I am wrong. I may be presumptuous, but I just don’t give a fuck.

> 3. Do you mourn for Shilla and Paekche
> (conquered by Koryo, as I’m sure you
> know) as much as you mourn for
> Anacostank and Onondaga?

Who dat? Are they in the Wu-Tang Clan? Are they East Coast or West Coast? Are they from the durrty duurrty South? Are they signed to Interscope or Murder Inc.? Where dey at? Do that mean I am ignant?

> 4. Why do you suggest that the reservation
> lands of the various Indian bands, tribes,
> and nations are concentration camps when
> a) the lands are held by the Federal
> Government in trust for the nations, thus
> preventing Indians from ever losing the
> lands to creditors or having to worry about
> where they will live;

You cannot grow anything on those lands. They are sites of nuclear testing, the soil is barren as shit. It was country that was unwanted, and wasn’t exactly a prize. You have obviously never been to a reservation. Try the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. They’d love to have ya!

> b) the Indians are free to leave and
> re-enter the reservations at any time,
> with full rights as U.S. Citizens;

But they prefer that they return on the weekends so that they can do some rain dances for the tourists to show that ‘wild savages’ can change the weather.

> c) the bands, tribes, and nations possess
> a governmental-to-governmental relationship
> with the U.S. government; and

What is that supposed to mean?

> d) this relationship, and the treaties that
> have resulted from it, has allowed
> members of various Indian groups to have
> priveleges that ordinary U.S. citizens are
> ineligible for? It’s not a sweet deal, but
> it is hardly a concentration camp.

What are non-Natives ineligible for? Are you talking about feathers? Peyote? Sweat lodges? It isn’t a holocaust contest, but more Natives were killed than Jews in Germany. Nazis were inspired by the American eradication of Native Americans. Concentration camps were our idea. That’s American Ingenuity for ya! What’ll they think of next?

> If you feel like responding, that’s cool.
> If not, that’s cool too.
> Cheers,

I feel like putting my fist in your face. But that is cool. It is all good. You don’t know any better. Happy Thanksgiving!

Native Americans have been fighting terrorism since 1492.
