
At first I thought Sarah Palin was some kind of Republican pandering – a misguided attempt to woo Hillary voters over to the dark side, as if they believed women voters were so stupid that they would vote for anyone in skirt, but now I see that she is much, much worse.

I have nothing against hockey moms – I just don’t want to be one. If Sarah Palin had her way, she would take away that right not to be a mom. She wants to outlaw abortion – so to call her a feminist is as laughable as calling evangelicals ‘Christians.’ They shouldn’t have the right to call themselves Christian, for they have no Christ-like attributes. I am a feminist and a Christian – and when I see Sarah Palin – I see neither. And it is official. She is evil. I saw on Violet Blue’s awesome blog that Sarah Palin forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic exams.

This is serious and bad.

150 thoughts on “Palin

  1. Re: Freedom Fighter

    I really like what you have to say.

    Bridget: As a victim of rape, that is incredibly insulting. Just because this is the internet doesn’t mean you should make jokes about subjects like that. I really hope it never happens to you.

    I hope none of you ever have to make that CHOICE.

    I did, and I kept my baby. I love him tremendously. I am against abortion, but PRO CHOICE. A woman can do what she WANTS with her body. I know that if it was the man’s decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, gee, would we have a smaller population. It’s a big responsibility. Not every one can handle it. And despite what anti-choice people want to believe, you’re not killing a baby. You are ridding the uterus of the potential for there to be a baby. The same thing that happens to a woman’s body EVERY MONTH when she gets her period. It’s a clump of cells. End of story! Get the facts!

    More importantly…you aren’t supposed to mix church and state, but the only thing that seems to matter to the American people is faith and religion. We cannot have someone with the potential to be in charge of our nuclear weapons who wants to ban books and doesn’t believe dinosaurs existed. It’s irresponsible.

  2. Freedom of speech…’nuff said. Don’t agree? Write your own damn blog. Right, wrong or indifferent, she may think, speak, write and choose whatever her heart desires. That is the BEST part of all of this, we ALL have the RIGHT to FREEDOM of speech. I am truly thankful for this right and for all those who have ensured this right for us.

  3. Chris,

    you either havent read the earlier posts, or failed to notice the quotation marks on mine, indicating the “quotes” from another post which i was replying to.
    iran is considered the middle east only in north america… in the rest of the world, it is part of the persian gulf (as persians do not speak arabic).

  4. Sarah says: “You aren’t allowed to harm another person or take their property. Those are moral issues…”

    Yes, you can call them ‘moral’ issues. But that’s not the reason why they’re law – they’re law because if you harm another person or take their property, you are infringing on that person’s rights.

    I’m Australian, and I can tell you now – there are few people in this country (and most others around the world) that want McCain and Palin in the White House. George Bush has fucked this world up for EVERYONE – not just Americans. Change needs to happen with you guys.

    It just sucks for the rest of us that your vote has that much power.

  5. I am amazed how people say that they, “the politicians” have a right to express their beliefs, yet more and more we are hearing how celebrities should keep their mouths shut. It’s fine when celebrities do their ads for safe sex, voting, ASPCA, etc…but don’t touch the almightly politician, give me a break. I don’t think when you make it to the red carpet you should be given a list of acceptable topics to indorse or object too.
    I can filter information on my own and determine who I vote for and why without someone determining where I get my information from, whether it be from a celebrity blog, the newpaper or TV, that is up to me.

  6. Respect for FreedomFighter and what they said – totally agree!!

    I think that again the focus has been successfully diverted off the most important topics during the election.
    Policies on the environment, the economy, the health service and education should be discussed not religion or one persons view and opinions (I thought that was complete opposite of democracy).

    Besides should you not be hoping that “they” don’t just get a Supreme Court to decide the outcome of the election no matter who wins?

  7. MCHO,

    No one is taking away your right to “not be a mom”. We want to take away your right to murder your unborn baby. If you don’t want to “be a mom” then close your legs!

    At conception a unique blend of DNA that will never be seen again is created. Does it matter how it was created? Even a child conceived in the bathroom stall at a club is still a child. You seem to be under the impression that unborn children are merely blank disembodied clone waiting for “imprint” once you’ve decided it’s time. I’m an atheist, always have been and I find this line of thought deplorable. Instead of licensing a doctor to kill babies, how about a little responsibility? Sure, rape and incest are the obvious exceptions, but even then it’s still a baby you are killing. Yeah, it’s that simple.

    And as for the rape victim paying for the rape kit issue, she was not made “dictator”, she was an elected official that oversaw a legislative body that made laws and she either approved them or vetoed them and even then they can be overridden if they have a certain majority. Did you take civics?

    Quite pretending to be a champion of women’s rights. Making sure a woman has to right to kill her way out of an unwanted pregnancy is not furthering women’s march toward equality. How many babies have you had scrambled for the sake of convenience?

  8. Trevor-thanx for you input. I hear from many of the foreign english speaking countries very similar comments. Truthfully, i am a little embarrased that we are even having this discussion while the rest of the world watches us when there are so many really pressing and important issues other than abortion. I think that sometimes we are laughable to others because of our victorian and childish issues that we waste our time with rather than the state of the planet and the world.

    And I love JDs comment….a special place reserved in hell, he says. JG God knows, of course, because he is omnipotent and in charge of all universal spiritual decisions….hmmmmm, I think his condemnation is the biggest “sin” of all. Obviously, he is not a true Christian or person with any spiritual intelligence and shows no compassion, caring or ability to love. Such BS from some of these supposed Christians. Where did they learn to communicate this way? Bush is one of that type and look at the state of things. This type of Christianity is brain-washing and produces something close to a level of psychosis.

    From what I am hearing, I doubt these people would recognize Jesus if he stood in front of them since he would be so different than their made of version of him.

    Anyway, I just want the important issues to be dealt with….the economy and global warming, etc. and let God take care of us sinners and have everyone else mind their own business. What happens within a woman’s body is for her and her God to deal with.

  9. Absolutely sister! Margaret, thank you for being loud and honest……great to have you as an ally! Please give Ian Harvey a big sloppy kiss from Kelly and Preston from Portland ME!

    Many thanks!

  10. these “christian” responses are freaky, let’s not forget people – the bible is HEARSAY. “man” wrote the bible, for an undisclosed amount of shekels, to keep small minded people in line. it’s as if you think “God” itself wrote it on crisp white linen paper with a black sharpie while floating on a cloud. if you need the bible to keep “you” in line, then more power to you, just don’t freak out if others don’t believe in it or view it differently.

    Keep rocking’ Cho!

  11. If you don’t like abortion, don’t have one!
    If you don’t like suicide, don’t commit it!
    If you don’t like rape, don’t do it!
    If you don’t like murder, don’t commit one!

  12. Leslie Mancrush: you sound like the typical republican female demographic to whom Mrs. Palin panders. EVERYBODY says the unborn fetus has a right to life, but so does the MOTHER. If legal abortions are unavailable, desperate pregnant women (and girls!) will take the matter into their own hands. They will make a choice about their “potential child” with or without the legal provisions. And past history shows us they will inevitably kill themselves doing so.

    Ever hear of a girl getting pregnant at such a young age, that she actually thinks you can get rid of it by drinking Liquid Plumber? What happens? She dies AND the baby dies too.
    That’s due to a lack of sex education. If you are old enough to get pregnant, you ought to be old enough to talk about sex myths & truths in a classroom.

    Ever hear of back-alley abortionists who hide in unsanitary confined spaces that fester bacteria, with no real doctors and use no anesthesia? Women pay them to abort unwanted pregnancies because they can’t bear to go through with it. They feel they have NO OTHER CHOICE. And they die too, from a host of diseases or infections or bleeding out from a ruptured uterus.

    Legalizing abortion is the only way to save women’s lives… human lives… human beings who already live, and breathe and work and love, and have families and responsibilities and could have bright futures ahead of them. A microscopic cluster of LESS THAN 150 CELLS does NOT COMPARE by any stretch of your imagination. A cluster of cells is NOT A HUMAN BEING. You destroy more cells than that by scratching your ass.

    No one knows if there is a god. It can’t ever be proven, so let’s just take Him out of the equation: We expel blood tissue and ova every month as the body “cleans house” all on its own. The number of fertilized ova that are “naturally” expelled is incalculable! Some doctors say its over 50% but there is no way to obtain an exact figure. It isn’t a tragedy. It’s just the way the bodily function works. There is no moral judgment or argument to be made. Some “eggs” make it and some don’t. And I believe there is no god who pre-determines which is which.

    You get another shot next month, if that’s what you want.

  13. …rape kits yeah. Big deal I guess. EXCEPT no one ever had to pay for one. They billed the insurance companies…if the victim didn’t have insurance the city would pick of the tab.


  14. FreedomFighter wrote: “it is NOT about one man moulding American society according to some ancient texts based on any one religious belief system”

    I have to disagree with you there – George Bush has done exactly that (gay marriage and abortion are shining examples), and what so many people are worried about with Palin is that she will push the same agenda.

    Yes, there are many important issues that need to be dealt with but the character of the candidates is just as important. They need to respect the rights of EVERY citizen they will be working for – not just the ones that believe the same things they do. I don’t care if Evangelicals believe their purpose is to spread the word of their god – they shouldn’t be forcing it.

    The current Republican party blurs the line between church and state, and that shouldn’t happen in ANY democracy.

  15. Let’s face it, the only reason Ms Palin was picked is because she has star power. She does, we’re all talking about her and no one’s talking about Joe Biden because no one has anything bad or scandalous to say about him. Honestly, she reminds me of my stepmother but then again every awful woman does to some extent.

    Out of all the women I know, only one or two are stupid enough to think Sarah is an adequate replacement for Hillary, and those people think she’s great for being so conservative. It’s pretty telling that she hasn’t been allowed to make public comments, but I really think that there aren’t enough people in the country without brains to elect McCain, a semi-traitorous ‘maverick’ who’s about to croak and then Ms Jerry Springer’s in to take his place? If Hillary were on the Democrats’ ticket, McCain would NEVER have picked such a poor match, they’d get pulverized. They’re going to get pulverized anyway. Even in Virginia!! For the first time, the streets of Virginia Beach are lined with Democrat bumper stickers. That says a lot.

    Sarah Palin, President of the Senate?

    Sarah Palin, head diplomat?

    Sorry, seeing Russia from your house and going to Cancun on taxpayers’ dollars does not count as foreign experience.

    I’ll admit that adding her to the ticket boosted McCain’s campaign and made some news about her pregnant daughter, poor girl…I don’t believe a woman’s place is in the home, but maybe Ms Palin should spend some more time with her large family, including the infant with Downs and the ‘new addition’. We are just glowing with pride.

  16. First, I just want to say thank you to Margaret for describing my God so well.

    There are several responses to some of her critics.

    In no particular order:

    In case you aren’t sure how this insurance thing works lets clarify. When your insurance company is billed, there is this thing you are responsible for called a co-PAY and in the event that you haven’t yet met your deductible for the year then your insurance company can make you PAY for medical services. And if you file too many claims against your insurance then they can raise the premiums that you PAY. So saying that the insurance company paid the cost is ignorant.

    As far as quoting Exodus 21 is concered, the scripture has nothing to do with abortion. The verses in question don’t even have anything really to do with protecting the unborn child. They have everything to do with protecting the line of the father. Misrepresentation of scripture to suit your own ends is one of the things that Margaret is talking about with respect to evangelical Christians.

    And in response to those who say that abstinence and birth control are alternatives to abortion, you are right in some cases. But Sarah Palin is against abortion in cases of rape and incest as well. A vow of abstinence doesn’t protect you from being raped, and unless you’re going to provide birth control for all women just in case they get raped, then abortion needs to be an option. Otherwise what you’re saying to these women is that they have even more of a price to pay.

    Evil isn’t about scale. Someone mentioned atrocities and said that they are the only real evil. Knowingly committing an act that does no good but only ill is evil whether it’s against 1 person or 1 million.

    As for the lambasting Margaret has gotten for being a celebrity who is talking politics think on this: The nature of America is that we all have the freedom to take our government to task. Many servicemen and women have fought and died for that. To say that status as a celebrity makes someone’s opinion less valid than a politician’s is belittle that sacrifice. To say that she should shut up because her opinion whether educated or not is heard by more people because she is famous, is to say that she has less worth than any of the uneducated slobs on the street that say we should vote for Sarah Palin because she’s attractive based solely on the fact that no one is paying attention to him. To be in the public eye means that you give up your right to privacy and anonymity but in doing so you cling tighter to your right to free speech and for anyone to take that away is dare I say it… unamerican.

  17. I laud Margaret Cho’s sentiments and agree entirely what I do think ought to be said though, is that we are too focused on the minutia. Though she is very pro-life I do not believe Sarah Palin could single handedly reverse Roe v. Wade, in the same way that even if he wanted to (which I do not think he does) Barack Obama could not remold the America political structure and climate to make us a socialist nation as many on the right seem to fear. When we look at the morality or background of a candidate we are dealing with image not a game plan for office, the real question is with Sarah Palin, is not whether she will actually change the status of women in America or destroy foreign relations but rather, given her inexperience and highly group specific beliefs, do we want this women to represent what it means to be an American. For me, that answer is an unequivocal no. Thank for expressing your opinions Margaret Cho and incited us to this debate. This is democracy in action.

  18. A few points:

    To those who say of conception: “At conception a unique blend of DNA that will never be seen again is created”
    Conception often occurs without pregnancy. If your statement about DNA is proof of life, then you would have to accept that God does not allow thousands of children to survive for more than a few hours. Also, if DNA patterns are worthy of preservation, you should be, by your logic, fighting to save every animal on the planet and refusing to eat any and all animal products, because, by your logic, each of these creatures has a distinct pattern of DNA that grants it a right to a life without our interference.

    To those who say that Palin could not effect Roe v. Wade
    It is possible for the next president to effect Roe v. Wade by virtue of their power of nominating the members of the Supreme Court. It is estimated that at least one or more justices will retire in the next four years, allowing pro-life replacements by a McCain-Palin administration.

    And Nat- I second your comment. Birth control needs to be available to all women for this to apply, but it is an excellent response.
    And in response to those who say that abstinence and birth control are alternatives to abortion, you are right in some cases. But Sarah Palin is against abortion in cases of rape and incest as well. A vow of abstinence doesn’t protect you from being raped, and unless you’re going to provide birth control for all women just in case they get raped, then abortion needs to be an option. Otherwise what you’re saying to these women is that they have even more of a price to pay.

  19. Trevor,

    Thanks for the nod though, you weren’t really disagreeing with me. I said the presidency is not about one man moulding American society, etc. etc. and I guess I should have added emphasis to express my disdain for the attempts George Bush has committed thusfar. It WAS part of his agenda to tear down all the widely accepted conventions of the 20th century and push back the hands of time, singlehandly. If his policies are left alone to give unchecked power to the executive office and limit the recourse of the People, the Constitution will be shredded to bits and the Amendments could be overturned.
    Whoopie Goldberg was right to ask McCain, “Should I be worried about slavery coming back?”

    Thankfully, this Commanding Monster-in-Chief is losing steam and running out of power. Let’s hope his legacy, also faulters and drifts away into our collective (repressed) memories. Congress will have a lot of sweeping up to do when they get new skipper in January.

    SpiritBe and Samantha, you are both excellent writers and very intelligent women. I am happy to see Ms. Cho has such smart and sophisticated fans.

    You rock, Margaret.
    Go, Obama!

    Just Say NO to Prop. 08 on the ballot. Fair is fair.
    Peace out, everyone.
    – Freedom Fighter from NY

  20. You deffinitely hit the mark and am SOOOOO glad people are seeing through this Palin stunt. And I think it is sweet how her and the “family” allowed her daughter the choice she is pulling so hard to take away from all other women. Whatever happened to seperation of church and state anyway? John McCain is clearly pandering or floundering or reaching…… And let me just say, as the son of a Vietnam Vet and grandson of two WWII Vets that I think it is fucking disgusting how John Bitch Ass McCain begins every answer to a tough interviewer’s question with the phrase..(while blowing himself) “..and let me just first say that I was in a North Vietnamese prison camp for five years……….” Like it is a warrant for him to say whatever he wants and no one can disagree ’cause he was a prisonner of war. AND he is for torture, someone explain that to me. I find it utterly repugnant that the republicans and swift vote four years ago smeared John Kerry and his PURPLE HEART medal ( which he earned in Vietnam for saving the lives of his fellow soldiers) and now all the sudden want us to embrace John McCain and his military record, which by the way pales in comparison. And Another thing, if I have to hear another republican talk about how precious every life is and how special it is then turn around and tell me and the rest of the gay community that we should have less rights because they don’t feel we are as “special” after all. I personally am tired of the hypocracy that pervades the conservative “christians”. They are the first to oppose obortion but the first to advocate the death penalty, someone explain that to me. SIGH. I’m with you Margaret. The God I celebrate doesn’t care who you love or how many times you say FUCK, only that you love yourself so as to love others and to not forget that we all came from the light. And I beleive Barak Obama is the closest thing ( by a long shot) I have seen to “the light” in politics in my life. OBAMA FOR YOUR MAMA ’08.

  21. Though I dislike Palin, you need to get your facts straight. It’s hard to take criticisms seriously when they simply repeat mistakes made by others. She hired the guy that cut the budget in forensics, and one of the things that went was the cost of rape victims’ exams. Victims with health insurance had their insurance billed. Yeah, it’s criminal. I agree. And as the boss, she’s responsible for the actions of her appointees. But it’s not nearly as simplistic as you made it. She didn’t just force rape victims to pay for their exams.

  22. Palin is seriously looney-tunes. She’s on record as believing that we’re in the End Times for pete’s sake! Who wants an Apocalyptic moron in the White House with the launch codes? Anyone?

    You know the difference between Sarah Palin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?


  23. “And it is official. She is evil.”

    It is official, Margaret. YOU ARE WRONG.

    And you know you’re wrong. The radical left is full of hate. It will destroy you. And we will have the last laugh when Sarah Palin is voted President in 2016. It will happen.

  24. Margaret, I think you may be unduly demonizing Ms. Palin. The right to choose not to be a Mom will remain as it always has; one may continue to access and employ birth control. About abortion, Ms. Palin stated that its not up to the Federal Government to overturn Roe v. Wade; BUT, abortion should be addressed at State level instead of Federal. (Agreed that abortion is a choice, but should not be a Federal right.)

    Its sad that you, who usually has been at very least tolerant, can’t agree to disagree with Ms. Palin for being pro-life (which tested her position with a heart-rending decision some 13 months ago, whether to continue or abort a Down Syndrom pregnancy), and instead objectively and graciously congratulate her for possibly becoming America’s first lady Veep.

    Because Palin differs from other women (as do you and one would think, you would empathize), its no just cause to condemn her. I’m sure that you know that acceptance with respectful exception would be a Christian response. We apparently disagree but love you still. Congrats on your show; many years and many blessings. (Hi to Mom & Dad)

  25. Thank you for your thoughts, thank you for your existence!

    Let me add Sarah Palin’s banned books list to just hit this ball out of the fuckin “wizard of oz” park…

    When the Wasilla librarian refused to trash these books, Mayor Palin tried to have her fired. This caused a stir in Wasilla which then turned into a drive to protect the librarian.
    Aristophanes: Lysistrata
    Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
    Boccaccio: Decameron
    William C. Bower: The Living Bible
    Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan of the Apes
    Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
    John Cleland: Fanny Hill (Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure)
    Roald Dahl: James and the Giant Peach
    George Eliot: Silas Marner
    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying
    William Golding: Lord of the Flies
    Grimm Brothers: Little Red Riding Hood
    Aldous Huxley: Brave New World
    Ken Kesey: One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
    D.H. Lawrence: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
    Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird
    Gabriel Garcia Marquez: One Hundred Years of Solitude
    Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Confessions
    J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
    J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban
    J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    J.D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye
    William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice
    William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night
    Alexander Solzhenitsyn: One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich
    John Steinbeck: East of Eden
    John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men
    Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.: Slaughterhouse-Five
    Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass

    We deserve to be judged very harshly by the future historians if we let this happen or rather allow this destruction of our souls to continue. Wake up all of us. What’s going on is so hilariously hard to believe, it seems like a very dark comedy but its destroying our paradise, the gift of this planet and its inhabitants from our mother nature. There is no great pumpkin, just us, and an opportunity to step up and be super heroes.

    Its not Ms. Palin, or anyone else that’s the enemy or evil,, but its our fear, our insecurity, and it lives between our ears. The terrorists live in our hearts and minds because we let them, we believe the programming.

    We have a choice to unplug from the Matrix. Let’s do it together and celebrate being a bridge to nature and not a dam.

    If I didn’t already like and respect you,, I do now.

  26. I’ve read all the comments on this blog, and I have to tell you something. Are we not allowed to have an opinion? God gave us free will, Jesus taught us to love one-another despite our differences. Ms. Cho loves Sarah Palin, Ms. Cho loves evangelical christians. She just doesn’t agree with them.

    Sarah Palin, is the opposite of me. I’m pro-choice and I’m a christian, BUT if I were to get pregnant, I would keep the child. In the case of rape or incest, i TRULY believe it IS the decision of the the mother. She has to carry, a violent reminder of the past. BUT THIS IS HER CHOICE, not the governments and it shouldn’t be. Granted there are other options to an abortion, but with Palin in office, she wants sex ed taken away.

    it’s just not alot of thought with her. it’s a shame.

    Palin reminds me of one of the popular girls in high school that went out with the quarterback of the football team. She would wear, dickies and polo shirts with flannel sleeves. say names behind the science nerd, or the girl that had body order issues, but people thought just smelled bad. at the weekend party, she would get drunk and carry her gun around with the boys. An alaskan preppy.

    but who am I to judge?


  27. Cho, you suck…I can’t believe some has been D list comic would share political views. Nobody cares….make us laugh..or I forgot your lame and that is why your career is OVER. I”ll be laughing when McCain Palin win this election!

  28. to call her a feminist is as laughable as calling evangelicals ‘Christians.’

    Evangeilicals have read the Bible and following it to the letter. Other pick and choose as if it was a designer religion. Its a matter of degree.

    Its funny because both sides are just making it up, some just follow the template.

  29. Please, please, please, everyone keep bashing Palin. But why? I voted for Nixon because of the medias attack on him because of the “Checkers Dog” incident. There is no doubt it will happen here too. Read your history and you will see that attacks on her family and children will only result in an Obama loss. By the way Obama had time to write several books but no BILLS! Now thats a change you can bank on. LOL

  30. Wait, I’m supposed to vote for Obama by default? I don’t know why its okay to endorse someone who is for “change” when he “does not support gay marriage” and even put together a gospel tour that was anti gay or and believed they could “save us” from homosexuality. I see no such thing as “hope” or “change” in someone who would stand beside that and allow it. It could almost write it off it were from his past but from his campaign for the presidency? In fact, I find it far more admirable for people like Palin to at the very least admit she’s against gay marriage after barely a month at the VP wheel. I find it completely fuct that it took this long for people to say “Wait, Obama doesn’t support gay marriage?” after almost two years into his campaign. A wolf in liberal clothing is far worse. Sorry, Obama but as another famous stand up comedian said you can “suck it”.

  31. I Like Crayons are you serious?? To answer your absurdities:

    Crayons said:
    “Like it is a warrant for him to say whatever he wants and no one can disagree ’cause he was a prisonner of war”

    I say:
    Anyone is free to disagree. A Comparison:

    The media cannot get enough of the “Saturday Night Live” impersonations of Palin as a bubblehead. News shows pick up the Tina Fey clips and run them and run them to the merriment of all.

    Can one imagine “Saturday Night Live” doing weekly send-ups of Michelle Obama and her “I’ve never been proud” of my country, this “just downright mean” America, using a black comedienne to mimic and mock her voice and accent?

    “Saturday Night Live” would be facing hate-crime charges.

    How do we know? When the New Yorker ran a cartoon of Michelle in an Angela-Davis afro with an AK-47 slung over her shoulder, New Yorker editors had to go on national television to swear they were not mocking Michelle, but the conservatives who have so caricatured Michelle and the Messiah.

    Is there a media double standard? You betcha.

    Crayons said:
    “AND he is for torture, someone explain that to me”

    I say:
    Not true. check this

    Crayons said:
    “John Kerry and his PURPLE HEART medal ( which he earned in Vietnam for saving the lives of his fellow soldiers) and now all the sudden want us to embrace John McCain and his military record, which by the way pales in comparison.”

    I said” That does not even deserve response. You can not be serious.”

    Crayon said:
    The God I celebrate doesn’t care who you love or how many times you say FUCK, only that you love yourself so as to love others and to not forget that we all came from the light.

    I say:

    what? what “religion” are you referring to? If you are a true Christian and have ever read the bible you will know what you say is not even close to being true. Maybe you are practicing another “religion’?

    Think before you type. think before you vote. listen to the issues and figure out what is important to you and your family. Then vote.

    Encourage thought, not mindless migration……

    hit the mark and am SOOOOO glad people are seeing through this Palin stunt. And I think it is sweet how her and the “family” allowed her daughter the choice she is pulling so hard to take away from all other women. Whatever happened to seperation of church and state anyway? John McCain is clearly pandering or floundering or reaching…… And let me just say, as the son of a Vietnam Vet and grandson of two WWII Vets that I think it is fucking disgusting how John Bitch Ass McCain begins every answer to a tough interviewer’s question with the phrase..(while blowing himself) “..and let me just first say that I was in a North Vietnamese prison camp for five years……….” Like it is a warrant for him to say whatever he wants and no one can disagree ’cause he was a prisonner of war. AND he is for torture, someone explain that to me. I find it utterly repugnant that the republicans and swift vote four years ago smeared John Kerry and his PURPLE HEART medal ( which he earned in Vietnam for saving the lives of his fellow soldiers) and now all the sudden want us to embrace John McCain and his military record, which by the way pales in comparison. And Another thing, if I have to hear another republican talk about how precious every life is and how special it is then turn around and tell me and the rest of the gay community that we should have less rights because they don’t feel we are as “special” after all. I personally am tired of the hypocracy that pervades the conservative “christians”. They are the first to oppose obortion but the first to advocate the death penalty, someone explain that to me. SIGH. I’m with you Margaret. The God I celebrate doesn’t care who you love or how many times you say FUCK, only that you love yourself so as to love others and to not forget that we all came from the light. And I beleive Barak Obama is the closest thing ( by a long shot) I have seen to “the light” in politics in my life. OBAMA FOR YOUR MAMA ‘08.

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