Baby I’m with the Band – New Music Video

We made this video in the height of summer at Bonnaroo and it was a great pleasure. The bands were so gracious, especially GWAR, and I was so saddened to hear about the recent passing of Cory Smoot. It’s dedicated to him. I love GWAR, and I love everyone in this wild freak fest. The cameras overheated in the muggy, sweaty moments we were trying to capture for posterity, and everyone had taken small bandannas and scarves and dipped them in ice water and wore them around their necks so we all looked a little like warped boy scouts. This is my rock and roll life as it is and has been for what seems like a hundred years, ducking in between tour buses and makeshift dressing rooms and trailers and port-o-potties, stealing water and food items from demanding and undemanding tour riders, being starstruck and overwhelmed and then among family and then new friends. The entire crew, including Liam Sullivan, who directed this little masterpiece, and John Roberts, my dude – about 8 of us stayed in a tiny trailer all together. We let all the beds down and everyone actually slept at night. We were overtired from the heat and trying to film so much and so many and it was a lot of great performances and no time in between to get from band to band. Brendan Benson brought along the very newly born Declan, and so we were truly an all ages extravaganza. John kept joking that he was going to flip over the trailer with his vogue dancing, and we laughed so much that the whole thing was really rocking. It was parked directly on a lake of mud, and so to get in and out of the trailer meant to soak your feet at least partially. We kept our shoes outside like a proper asian family, although I am the only one that was actually asian. We saw so many things and we captured some of the most amazing scenes in rock yet. Thanks so much to everyone who helped out in this video. Enjoy……

Baby I’m with the Band – featuring Brendan Benson

Baby I'm with the Band - featuring Brendan Benson

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