Worst Lady

“What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this–this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them.”

Eew. This is what Barbara Bush said about the Hurricane Katrina refugees at the Astrodome in Houston. The worst thing is she actually went and visited them. Haven’t they suffered enough? I think it is just disgusting. Her attitude is like, ‘Poverty is adorable! Look at all these cute, cute, cute poor people! They should be thankful for Katrina because if it weren’t for the flood they wouldn’t be able to enjoy this nice, nice stadium! They’re much better off aren’t they? I heart the lower class!’

It just shows that clearly she has no understanding of what happened, if she actually thinks that being poor somehow makes the disaster less of one, because now instead of a small, cramped and overcrowded apartment, they get a huge, cramped and overcrowded stadium. What is she saying? ‘Oh they didn’t have anything to lose, so what does it matter if they lost it all?’ If this is what they think of the poor, then what do they think of the rest of America? What is thought about the soldiers who were killed in Iraq? ‘Oh they were so young, they were barely alive anyway. No one notices they’re gone anyway! It’s working well for them!’

I never had any soft feelings for Barbara Bush. She looks like a Grandma and a Grandpa at the same time, which would normally make me like her, but for some reason, her politics make her Quaker Oats appearance unappealing. She’s like hot breakfast cereal sprinkled with broken glass and fake compassion. She is like a multigrain muffin with cranberries and thumbtacks. She is the former first lady and the current worst lady. And she is not working well for me.

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